Friday, April 24, 2015

Kitten Weak

One of my all time favourite writers is Charles Spurgeon and here follows a quote from this powerful preacher: Prayer girds human weakness with divine strength, turns human folly into heavenly wisdom, and gives to troubled mortals the peace of God. I am in the position of weakened leader, a mere human who periodically fills up with pride and ego and forgets that I am nothing, no one on my own. I am a newly born kitten, eyes still closed tightly, meowing and crawling, unseeing in a world filled with pitfalls, calamities and conversely wonderous trees and mountains to climb. In infancy, the kitten relies on its parents for transport, a firm and gentle mouth grasping the babe by the scruff of the neck, the babe trusting without shadow of doubt, not knowing where or why they are being carried and somehow simply enjoying the free ride, carried in the jaws of another, gripped by teeth that leave not a mark. Astounding, it is astounding to witness this parental care and the natural trust between provider and cared for young. I do not know where I am going and I do not know what I shall find when I get there, wherever there might be. I know that when I trust Spirit, my Leader carries me and when I open my eyes and I keep them trained on Him, I have the strength to follow, no longer kitten weak, but Panther strong. Follow Spirit into Heavenly Wisdom and the peace of Christ is available, strengthening, fortifying, endowing. Lord, I am humbly yours, Linda Grace. 

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