Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Unspoken sought after holy grail

Lonely, alone, I have seen this and heard its baleful cry in my fellow man. Feeling safe in relationship is the unspoken sought after holy grail, it is the longing in every heart to be seen, heard, loved as I am, as you are. To be valued and acknowledged seem such miserable requests coming from a human who deserves more than this in the form of praise and true appreciation. What is it that we say to one another, job well done, I admire you, you are wonderful to me? What do we lose when we tell another that life is grander, richer, an adventure for knowing them?

Love the lonely away

Love is rocket fuel
How do I hold back, why would I ever want to hold back, the love that bubbles up in my heart and spills out of my mouth? It is stingy to do otherwise, it is a withholding, a cruel thievery to keep back the love portion that belongs to another. Look into the eyes of your fellow man, if you can capture their gaze. See the being that inhabits the body and seek to touch their very soul and if you dare, love them. Love the lonely away, love them until they feel it, believe it and start loving themselves. Hearts are expansive, there is always room for one more. 

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