Tuesday, April 14, 2015


What is your joy factor? In company, I like to measure mine by how much freedom I have to express my feelings, point of view and largely, by how much fun and laughter I am experiencing. I'm all about quality relationships and in the majority of my person to person exchanges, I have to say that it is a pleasure to banter, discuss, dive deep and resurface to cry, laugh or whatever the circumstances call for...sometimes joy in the suffering is there, because it is shared by two souls who have an affinity for one another. Now, what about the nails on the chaulk board feeling that sometimes claws at my soul when in the company of a negative, critical, self imposing and aggrandized person, how do I respond to that? Well this is when the super cool naturally genetically encoded fight or flight instincts kick in and I get to listen to them! I liken this fabulous truth detecting ability to a fire alarm or a health alert. Stay with me...if you are a none smoker, how willing are you to be exposed to second hand smoke? While eating your dinner, how willing are you to have an arsenic shaker on the table, right next to the salt and pepper? Now, I have to tell you, your body doesn't lie, it can't be tricked, it knows what serves it well and what will cause indigestion and tummy ache. Might I suggest that your very soul has this stunning ability too? Just think about someone who annoys the joy right out of you, how does that thought affect your heart rate and your subsequent thoughts? Listen, listen to what your intuition is asking you to pay attention to. You get to design your life, be the main character and you get to choose who wins the lottery and is awarded the gift of calling you a friend, a partner, a husband or wife. YOU get to choose, grin, you get to choose...

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