Sunday, November 30, 2014

Yahweh is Gracious

John, my fathers name. I have written about him before, he died in 2000, and I wasn't done with him when he left this plane. There are long conversations I would like to have, curiosities I would delight in sharing, and his wisdom, I would like to sit and bask in his knowing, what he learned and loved and how he sees the world. This is the grown up me, wondering about the man my father was, who he would have become as the years drew out and the urgency of doing life diminished. I have had the benefit of getting to know my mother, as a human being, and not just as the mommy that fed me and took care of my earthly needs. She is my wise whisper and truth teller...she also still requests I put on a coat when it is cold outside and reminds me to never leave the kitchen when something is cooking on the stove, as she says, she will always be my mom. My dad always sang different songs, whistled a lot too. I love to hear a man whistle, it is music to my ears and when I notice whistling, time freezes for a moment and I feel him near. The name John means Yahweh is gracious and my father was in many ways, gracious and generous...the thought occurs to me that he may or may not have known the meaning of his name, and that it is fascinating that my middle name is Grace, a link eternal to my earthly father, the man I shall meet again, the one that has gone on before me to our Heavenly Father. There is another man in my life, he reminds me very much of my father, he too is named John. He makes me laugh, he is quirky, funny, deep and thoughtful and he is a man of faith and shares his abiding love of God with me...he also warns me, Linda Grace, make sure you get rest and take care of yourself. Like a father, he somehow knows just when I need encouragement and without a hint of need from me, he sends me messages, divinely inspired, to feed my soul. He is indeed, one of my ghost writers and he came into my life in a crazy fun way, our friendship instantly seeled within the first few moments of being in each other's company. One of my best friends said to me today "we will add something but we will not take away". No one can replace my dad; John is not channelling my father nor do I wish he were, he is a unique and wonderful person, a gift to me from as yet, unseen hands. I want to say so much more, in gratitude and appreciation...but how do you thank someone, who has taken you from crayons to perfume, it isn't easy but I'll try...if you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters, that would soar a thousand feet high, to John, with love...lulu got it right with this song and I borrow the sentiments from the lyrics, for two men for whom I will remain, eternally linked and grateful. 

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