Saturday, November 22, 2014

Truth Lead Me

I heard a great line recently, that we all grow old but this doesn't mean we grow up. The term arrested adolescence comes to mind as I consider how inclined some are to cling to a self aggrandized view, with disregard for the feedback of many an astute teacher. During an experiential event, my eyes were covered with a blindfold. I will not describe the rest of the experience, suffice it to say that when the blindfold was removed, it was soaked with my bitter tears, the lesson was a harsh one with realizations about my own inability to see, my blindness to what really was, rather than my own narrow, solyptical view of the world, life, mine and the lives of others. I could have excused myself from the lessons, turned a blind eye, in fact I had known that my vision had been somewhat blurred and I desperately wanted to see, really see and yet the temptation was there, to evade, avoid, cling to what used to be but I could the end, that would have been more painful and far too comfortable and there were the others, the ones whose lives I would impact negatively for holding myself in a fraudulent place when I knew that there is better, more, and conversely, there are the lives I stand to impact powerfully, by being honest and clear, serving from a pure heart. Socrates' words, "the unexamined life is not worth living" come back to me as a powerful reminder, a call to arms for the Truth to be told first to the self and then, in the company of others. I cannot make you see the Truth, speak it. You cannot make me tell it, love it. If I examine my heart, my soul, it lives there, and it is reflected back to me in the eyes of those with whom lying does not wash, it is unacceptable, unbearable and at times, even dispicable. No one is fooled by the liar, accept the one trying to deceive~eventually they run out of listeners and need to find new ears everywhere they go to perpetuate the lies that serve no one. Truth lead me, and I dare to follow faithfully, I know not where, but I do know, it is good. 

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