Friday, November 21, 2014

New Family Member

A week ago, a close friend of mine and I travelled to Toronto for a coaching in the streets and mall event. The idea was to give shoppers a taste of what it feels like to be coached, a 5 minute all about you experience. I am not shy, in fact I am quite the opposite. The biggest part of who I am is expressive of the idea I have that just because I haven't met you yet, it doesn't mean I don't know you. One week ago today, I met a man that has become a fast friend. In considering this, I see the interconnectedness I have with my people. There is a familiarity in the meeting that is undeniable, exciting and safe, and the details of life get filled in as the relating grows into friendship. Familiar, it derives from the word reunion comes to mind when I meet my kindred, it is a coming home, being seen, heard, understood, loved. My fearlessness in meeting others is driven by my desire to have them feel what I feel and see what I see, that they are precious in Gods sight and that they are designed with divinely intended identities, perhaps yet to be discovered, or more aptly, uncovered, taken out of hiding. I am a deep water walker, I do not swim in shallow waters, nor do I stay close to shore...some of the lyrics in the song Oceans from Hiilsong United speak to calling upon God, trusting in Him to keep my head above the called me out upon the waters, the great unknown, where feet may fail...and there I find you in the mystery, in oceans deep, my faith will stand. Today I thank God, for I am His and He is mine, and He has given me many family members with whom I delight in sharing faith. My blessings abound. 

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