Sunday, November 30, 2014

Saints, Angels & Cosmic Glue

Saints and Angels...Angels are Gods Messengers, they are the Heavenly Host, the created beings that worship Him that made them and do His bidding amongst men on earth. Saints are Gods people, the humans that have chosen to worship God and they too, do His bidding, His Heavenly work, here on earth, for the purpose of glorifying God, edifying their fellow man, and in gratitude for the many Big Daddy gifts bestowed and received. In and around us, we are held together by what is crazy cosmic glue, the compounds of which are innumerable and mystically magical. Try as one might, forming a human is not piece work, there are no factory conveyor belts with livers, hands, hair, eyes passing quickly by for workers to assemble. I am not at all in awe of the human explanations of our existence, in fact I find them laughable and young minded, it is the wishful thinking that the faith filled are often accused of. Today as I walked where many humans occupied space, I wondered, do they know? Do they every consider how wonderfully they are made? As they look about them at things and people passing them by as moving objects not to be collided with, do they consider the love that is all around them, holding them whole and keeping their physical integrity intact? And what of the other human beings with whom they share time, space, air? Can they see them, are they in awe of the thinking, heart beating humans that live and breathe effortlessly in their presence? And for what, I mean really, what is it all for...its for me, it's for you, it is for delight, soul singing joy, love eternal and overflowing and I am reminded, Keli Nethercott and Randy S, it is good. 

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