Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ghost Writers

I have a ghost writer, or two. They are the people in my life that inspire me and give me impetus, "the force that moves something along". My early morning client inspired me today when she described the hand holding her real estate clients needed to feel assured in their home purchase. As I heard her speak, I heard how she had adapted her responses to their needs, encouraging them to make choice based on what felt best for them without undue pressure from her. In the end, they thanked her for her patience as the process had taken some time from start to finish. She was the perfect agent, or "representative who acts on behalf of other persons". As my day progressed, I had the deep and profound pleasure of witnessing a close friend coming to faith, knowing Christ as Saviour...my heart and eyes fill with the recalling. Jesus is the ultimate change agent, the force, the impetus, the ghost writer in my life. Each time I see the selfless acts of submission to urges that serve others, I see him. Each time I submit, follow my urges, I serve him, my humble master, for the sake of others. Precognition informs me, the wind warns me, I sense and feel and trust with a faith that in it's Zenith is spectacularly and intrinsically connected to Spirit, my Holy guide. How can I help but fall in love with each human being I lay my eyes on? How can I help but see God in them? Who is writing for you, in you, through you? Does love speak loudly is there another voice, a dark one that speaks pain and hurt, sorrow and perhaps anger or even rage? Check out your ghost writers, is it their voices you want to have speaking for you? What do they say to you about you and others...that's the place to start, the beginning of freedom of speech, your birthright. Choice, we are always and forever, at choice. 

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