Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Let your words be anything but empty...let your yes be your yes and your no be your no. The Truth is out, excessive talking causes bleeding ears in the would be, wanna be listener. So here it is, the HUGE opportunity that we all get to share in and be a part of, wait for it, waittttt for it, relationships! I know you are thrilled with this revelatory breaking bit of news, so stay with me as I chase down my own connect the dots thinking and capture something big here. If I am in front of you and I am listening, then my assumption (forgive me this assumption in this instance) is that what you have to say is important and I am all ears, especially if I have paid to hear you speak. There is an expression, give them what they came for, and baby, if I'm your audience, I want you to bring it. I'm not talking about performance here, I'm not in need of entertainment, there is something much bigger at stake...it is relationship through connection. I have sat through too many one sided captive audience experiences and I love myself far too much to suffer them anymore, in fact, they make me sick, literally. When a speaker has listeners and asks perfunctory questions in an attempt to include the people in the room, it is painful to watch the lost opportunities to hear hearts, listen to wisdom, feel the love of others and their "why" for what they do. In a world gone mad with getting things done, the talking has turned into talking about connection, with real relationships being lost in the fray. I escaped such a meeting, not nearly soon enough, just this morning. My fight or flight urges where neatly held in check until break was called and then, like a bird in an UNLOCKED cage, I flew freely out of there. I could have left earlier, I could have yelled stop babbling about what should be and start modelling it but it wasn't my place, my opinion was not asked for and I was, I am, at choice to say something, nothing at all or simply, move on if the effort appears to far outweigh potential return. Time is precious, I choose how I "spend" mine...I hope in reading this, you haven't wasted yours!

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