Saturday, December 13, 2014

Not Puppets

Shadow self, the dark forces, the enslaving oppressive hopeless helpless voices and naggings from within that somehow feel like an intruder disguised as me, masked as you. The great lie is that the voice(s) are my/your own and they are not, the deceiver, the liar sells fraud, masquerade with chipped and dented psuedo truths to convince and persuade the victim of what isn't Truth. Fear, bravado, pride, self aggrandizement, false humility, excessive shame, unforgiveness of self or other, addiction, the list can go on, these are the signs and symtoms of the shadow, the dark side, painting black over top of brilliance. The shadow is a wooing spirit of deception that preys on it's human hosts insecurities and natural inclinations or predispositions and capitalizes on these existing conditions for the shear pleasure of command, in other words, if the shadow were the puppeteer, I/you are it's puppet. Anything that has a hold on me/you and feels as though I am without choice is a great indicator that some investigation needs happening in that area, and perhaps many more areas. What I write of is not new, it his age old. I have been in the presence of greatness, humans of mastery. These humans fight the good fight, knowing shadow is want to turn them into stringed caricatures of themselves, bouncing them about in a jagged performance unbefitting the Glorious nature of man. In the presence of greatness, there is a sense of awe and wonder, the eyes grow large in an attempt to absorb and capture what is felt and heard as though to record and somehow assimilate, make my own/your own. You and I, we can only be fooled for so long. The human spirit is not want to be toyed with, it wants for and pants after the filling up and abundant overflowing of all that is spectacular and stunningly beautiful to behold. You are not your shadow self, you are not something's puppet, playing the fool. You are created in the image of God and shadow fades and disappears when standing in The Light. Man is made for Glory, less is counted as loss. 

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