Saturday, December 6, 2014


There are blessings in tenacity. Giving up is easy in the moment, it is the aftermath of having abandoned a project, a relationship, a goal that can cause life long heart burn, dissonance that is like a slow burn just beneath the surface of the pysche. Situational Discomfort comes when I am challenged beyond my so far naturally, progressively obtained abilities. In coaching, the novice coach is taught something called stay and during every training workshop, the leaders invite the trainees to "stay until the end", the designated time that class is actually over. This reminder to stay present has the effect of reeling the would be mind wanderers back to the here and now, the crucial learning ground of self, in the presence of others. Stay is an art form, it is a distinguishing characteristic of a truly engaged student of life. I recently wanted to quit, I felt the pressure and burden of a steep learning curve and my current talents for managing details big and small are diminutive when I look at what is wanting to be created, seemingly out of nothing. In my stay, I see the others, the ones I am learning in front of, the ones who are too, students of life, learning in front of me. We bare witness to one another's vulnerabilities, struggles and fall downs and, and we get to see the get back up tenacity that Delivers blessings through perseverance. Nothing does not exist, there is the yet to be discovered and when I stay, when you stay, the likelihood of discovery increases exponentially and the reward too, grows Powerfully. No thing will stand between me and what is yet to be, I stay because my work, my learning, it is not done. Stay is a choice, and it is yours to make. 

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