Friday, December 19, 2014


Waves of appreciation, they wash over me when I think about men. Men, who park their cars in the driveway so that their wives are free to utilize warm garages, protected from the elements; men, who invite women to walk in front of them through open doorways; men, who walk on the traffic side of a sidewalk, old fashioned like to protect the woman from on coming traffic splashes or wreckless drivers; men, who build buildings and homes, parks and pave roads, install toilets and sinks, take out the garbage and plow the driveways and highways of life. Men, who work through exhaustion to feed and clothe and provide creature comforts to their families, completing behind the scenes labour that goes unnoticed, without acknowledgement. I was at a planning meeting recently, five men and little old me...while I said "yes, let's get that plan done", they began working on the how to parts, the logistics, they are the behind the scenes wizards, masterminds that put thought into the things that become realities, materially speaking. Behind the scenes wizards, they do the grunt work, the heavy lifting, the nose to the grind stone labour that is often dressed up in suit and tie, dress shoes and fancy socks. Love pours out of men as they work sometimes to the point of physical breakdown, dedicated to serving those in their lives they feel responsible for, a burden born out of the purest love, the you first, I must take care of you first deep down feeling. I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I consider my own father, his work ethic, dedication to being a tireless provider, right until the end. I look around me and I fall in love with huMANity, the men in my life who can't seem to rest, a luxury they do not afford themselves because there is important work to be done, this day, this hour, this minute. Sigh, I cannot finish this, I cannot write the words to express my sorrow for the oft misunderstood and underestimated position men find themselves in. I can only make a request: look at your man, take a good hard look, ask yourself, what have I done for HIM lately? To the men I admire and love, this one is for you. 

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