Monday, December 29, 2014


Harmony...I just finished reading Outwitting the devil by Napoleon Hill. The impact of his work and writing will be long lasting and will unfold over time as I assimilate the Truths revealed therein and as I see them as witness to their validity in the lives of those around me. The internal landscape, the thoughts and preoccupations of the inside of you, of me, it determines what is manifest on the outside, in other words, you are what you think, put simply. This brings me to one of the teaching points in this great bit of writing and quite bluntly it is this: only associate with people who mentally, spiritually and or economically are of benefit to you. I have one friend from university days and this week we spent some time together. It comes as no surprise to me that we have maintained our connection. Much time passes between visits and chats and yet, we have an harmonious vibe when together. I described it this way: harmony is like breathing, feels just about right with every intake and exhale. My friend, she added to this by saying "harmony is ease...not easy, but feeling of slippers or flannel...something familiar to our souls...even in hardship...we breathe", ahhhh, yes, that about captures the feeling, doesn't it? Life can be hard or life is what you make of it or "it is what it is", these are all useless and meaningless expressions with hopeless helplessness attached, a sense that nothing can be done, an acceptance of mediocrity~platitudes, a throwing up of the hands form of excuse making for the circumstances, attitudes and behaviours that we cannot change in speaks of staying in relationship while tolerating less than appealing displays of the inner workings of another. I have been back tracking my experiences when I am "triggered" by what another person might say, do, write. I check myself out frequently for my own yuckiness, my own intolerable attitudes and behaviours and I am surrounded by people who love me and are bold and brave enough to challenge me for my own self actualization, the growing up of the better parts of who I am. My wise friend, she spoke of "not easy" and sometimes, there needs be dis ease in relating in order to get to the heart connecting chocolatey truffle centre of relationship. Harmony is the beginning of a relationship, a meeting of the minds and hearts with soul brushing and a cozy warm by the fire flannel feeling as the indicator of true comfort in the presence of another. Test: If the thought of someone makes your lip curl, is that a friend? If the phone rings and its "that client", is it wise to keep taking their money? When disparaged by a relative, must you spend time with them? Better than ditching these people who cause disharmony, are you willing to be bold and brave, for the sake of their self actualization and maintenance of the relationship by speaking Truth to them and challenging their words, behaviours and the underlining belief systems that have them feel like sand paper against the soul rather than flannel? Each person is precious and deserving of shows up when you are willing to take a risk and let another person know what keeps your heart at a safe distance from theirs. We are not our behaviours or words, these are simply an outpouring of what is happening on the inside. Tolerating isn't love, it is a form of disdain, Love willingly goes into dark places and brings the Light with Truth as the Source. Lastly, and this comes with intense clarity, I cannot change another, I will not take on the responsibility for the health and wellness of another. I will love from a distance if harmony is unachievable, support with prayers and a heart of encouragement, my head though? I will not bang it against the stubborn wall of another's work calls me elsewhere. This is for you my longest term forever harmonious friend Louisa Marziali, I love you and am edified and inspired by you, may abundance be yours. 

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