Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Time is Short

Life is short, this is the expression that comes to me as I contemplate my topic which is, what are you doing with your time?  I read a great question in the manual for the most recent course I took on Lifestyle and Wellness Coaching. The question:  Is what I am doing moving me toward or away from my wellness?  Insert different items in there like:  Is the person across from me moving me toward or away from my own wellness?  Is the situation I find myself in moving me...you get the picture here.  Stress, anxiety, knots in the stomach, an aching heart, these are symptoms, warnings of danger and potential injury.  That's not indigestion you have, it's your gut telling you hey, if you don't take care of me right now, I'm quitting, and I dare you to find someone else to take this job!  The amazing thing about the human body is it's resiliency. Thank goodness for sleep, even when it is short, because sometimes this is the only respite from YOU that your body gets.  What if your soul is screaming WHAT ABOUT ME, REMEMBER ME?  Consider your soul, the hungry unwanted forgotten relative in the corner~everyone else got to eat, play, express themselves except the sad and neglected starving soul.  Here is the flip side to the body~it can only take so much and when slow down or pay attention warnings go unheeded, stress turns into heart attack, stroke, stomach aches and you name it. In this short life, what are you choosing to do with your time?

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