Thursday, May 15, 2014

Love Under Seagull Wings

Falling in love again.  Do you remember a time when you looked into the eyes of another and reflected there was the soft doey eyed look of heart melting love?  Seeing the look and than having the heart translate it's meaning has a profound impact on the receiver.  Before the look, there may be angst, confusion, self deprecation and insecurity, on both sides. As safety increases in the relationship, as each person recognizes the dawning of mutual appreciation just as they are, the love starts to bud, grow, bloom.  Then there is the look~the eyes see it first, the mind says is that what I think it is and then bam, there it is, the realization that someone loves you so much that it is shining adoringly from their eyes in such a brilliant way as to blind you, make you blink in disbelieve with the accompanying unnerving feeling that this is powerful stuff, this love thing.  As coach, I have had the awe inspiring experience of speaking with my eyes and hearing with my heart during exercises where no words are spoken, eye gazing is the one and only action plan and pure love is expressed and felt.  This deep and gorgeous soul brushing leaves a lasting impression and an indelible mark on the spirit.  The love teaches love and reverberates until the receiver finally and fully gets "it" OHHHHHH, you love me, you love me somehow, I love me my tribe, near and far, I learned to love myself in the safety under a thousand happy flapping and cuddle in close wings~I love you Seagulls, thanks for loving me unto myself.

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