Thursday, May 22, 2014


Choice is a crazy concept when it is first introduced to someone, at least it was when I first got introduced.  Hello Linda, my name is Choice~let me tell you a little bit about myself. I travel everywhere you do, I am your constant companion.  Without you knowing me, you have chosen to see the world a certain way, approach people and situations in certain ways and you have chosen to currently have this conversation, with me, which is great, because now that you know I exist, we can get real, down to the nitty gritty so to speak.  Patterns, I have learned, are chosen. It doesn't feel that way because when in one, a person may feel that no options are avaibable and perhaps what was chosen many moons or people years ago, was a good choice at the time and no longer makes sense in the now.  When introduced or shall I say, confronted, with the truth that what is happening in a life has been a choice, albeit a sleepy choice, the person has the opportunity to access what kept them in the pattern in the first place AND what they want in the present and in the future. The harsh reality is that no one can hold another in a pattern and no one can break a pattern for another, it must be a choice, based on what is valuable, good, right and true, with integrity. Compromising self for the comfort of a familiar habit just doesn't cut it when Choice is introduced.  What will you choose today?

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