Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sunglasses.  Not long ago, I had three pair, ranging in purchase price from $1 to $100. Slowly but surely, each pair of sunglasses disappeared.  I looked for them, I asked family members if they had seen them and except for the dollar store pair, none could be found. They would have to do was my thought, as I packed and readied myself for a trip to California. My trip was a leadership retreat and it was sunny and cloudy in California and yet, sunglasses weren't what I needed. I needed to close my eyes, not to keep the light out but I to feel and see it from within.  Blindfolded to my own weakness, my sight has kept me in the dark. I used to look for answers, solutions, finding my own way in the maze of life, independently faltering and perhaps, out of pride and stubbornness, holding others to my solutions, rightly or wrongly, leading them to a dead end, not an exit point from whatever trap or holding pattern they were in.  Pride does come before the fall as the saying goes and I once was blind but now I see go hand in hand in this life lesson of mine. I returned from my trip yesterday and magically, my sunglasses reappeared~they were in obvious and not so obvious places.  I didn't need to look for them, my son found them without looking or trying.  What's my point?  Sometimes you can't find what you are looking for, eyes wide open...sometimes others can see clearly and following them to the answer is the solution you were looking for but were too blind to see...learning, always learning.

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