Friday, May 30, 2014


I am free to be a rebel to help others be free. I learned this from a horse. Yes, you read that correctly, from a horse. 

Today was day two of Natures Horse. During this three day workshop, horses pick the humans they want to work with by sensing and feeling the persons energy. From there, the humans learn to listen, and look for signs from their horse partner, when they are stuck, when there is an epiphany, and when there is an ahh moment of, "I see and now I know."
My horse is a lot like me. He is a pony named Taffy, and he thinks he is a big horse. He is strong and can take a lot of pressure. He is sure footed and doesn't take any guff from larger horses. He goes along, not to get along, but when he feels it is the right choice. He is a bullshit detector, and when I didn't stay strong and convicted in the Truth, he turned away from me and would not make eye contact, as if to say, "That's horse-shit, and you know it."
Taffy taught me that I can wait, and that if I stay, the powerful learning a reward well worth the wait. I also learned I don't have to work ~ I don't mean this in the traditional employment sense of the word. I mean that relationship is a forward and back, a step into and step back with each partner in the dance, always having the freedom to chose. 

At one point in my stall time with Taffy, there was a stand off, where I could not connect with him and he would not make eye contact. This is when the workshop leader stepped in and began coaching me, after asking what I thought was going on. She suggested I speak to Taffy and ask for help. I sat on the floor in the stall and spoke to Taffy, pouring out my desire to be free, without constraint, and untethered by fear. Taffy then turned to me, looking directly at me, nodding his agreement. He then stretched his front legs toward me, hide end up in the air, and next, came near. 

I recall that moment as one of the most extraordinary experiences of complete acceptance, without trying to prove myself, my worth, or my right to be me without explanation or excuse. A horse heard my need to be free and as a free creature, he acknowledged me, reassured me, let me know I am on my way, to being a free rebel that helps others to freedom. 

Much love to more horsey soulmate, Taffy.

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