Saturday, May 31, 2014


Yesterday I sat with my back to two unopenable windows in a circle of women at a coaching horse workshop. We were on chairs that sat us close to the ground in the well kept horse inn. Above and within sight appeared a sparrow and he/she remained present, flying about off and on, throughout our time in the inn. This sparrow had a perch and kept its eyes on us. While sharing, another sparrow flew into the window behind me and in a panic, flew into the window beside it.  This caused a stir in us and I was half way out of my seat to rescue the small bird when calmly, in a soothing voice, our leader Susan Morel told us to all take a deep breathe, to calm ourselves and stay peace filled. She stated "nature takes care of itself". We waited, hopeful, and the small bird settled and went calm. As we sat in peaceful silenced, another swallow flew close to the windowed bird and chirped encourement to follow him, away from the window and out to open space. The bird did not follow. Within seconds, the bird that had been watching us on its perch, chirped loudly, commandingly, seemingly calling the young trapped bird to follow the voice to freedom.  He still did not come away from the window. Finally, a fellow sparrow, a loving bird of feather, flew to the window and the message was received, come follow me, I know the way out and if you trust me, you will be free...he followed.  One of the brilliant assistants, Lisa, stated "interfering can do more harm than good". Message received oh wise and wonderful sparrow. All of Gods creatures are naturally creative resourceful and whole~if this is true, and it clearly is, in the animal kingdom, how much more so with human beings, created in Gods own image?  The sparrow in its purity does not question it's condition, it's inalienable right to freedom, it does not question it's own resourcefulness and creativity.  Lessons in freedom are waiting for us, a little bird told me so.  I AM FREE.

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