Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The humanity in coaching

Today I coached a coach. I fumbled around, trying to think of creative and powerful questions to ask my client, to help her, but mostly ME, get in touch with what she wanted to work on today. I TRIED, that's the fall down in coaching, the trying. She is a great client/coach, because she is willing to coach me on what she needs in the moment.  About half way through the session, we began to hit a groove, and there was a firing between us, with understanding and forward movement. I was getting it and she was expressing it, whatever it was!  At the end of the session, I candidly told her that I felt like I was fumbling around, and she generously told me that is common in new coaching relationships...somehow, someway, the forgiveness factor in coaching always astounds me. In a world where mistakes aren't tolerable, especially in business (you can always be replaced), coaching is humane, kind, and honest. Perfection isn't the goal, relationship and understanding are.

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