Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Ever feel like you are doing a full on balancing act?  Walking the line between being polite and saying what you really think?  Staying when you feel like walking away.  Sitting still and paying attention when you feel like you just might jump out of your chair and run around in crazy circles because you can't stand being trapped, held captive because for whatever reason, you have agreed to be subjected to the role of student (read CPR/First Aid).  When my husband and I used to argue, I had a tendency to leave when things got heated. If I got uncomfortable and we reached an impass, I would remove myself from the conversation.  The last time he pointed this out to me, I stopped myself and returned physically and mentally, not to do battle, but to walk toward reconciliation Should I stay or should I go now?  Fight or flight is figuring prominently in my life, I feel I am at a crossroads. In coaching, it is recommended that when a client is going through a rough patch experiencing strong feelings and reactions, that the coach stays with the client. I am learning that it is the calm after the storm that yields the greatest insights. If I leave instead of stay, speak instead of listen, jump up and down rather than sit still, it may mean abondonment and death (if I ditch CPR/First Aid), to the other, the relationship, the opportunity to learn.  At this crossroads, I am looking down the one quick bunny trail, and the long winding road to I'm not sure where...

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