Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Yes AND No

In coaching, I have to say yes to me, what enlivens me and makes my heart sing. Saying yes means somewhere lurks a no, no to what isn't working anymore, what breaks me or makes my heart sink...I am learning to let go, but at times, it feels like loss, and I must acknowledge the pain, experience it fully, before the letting go can happen. This is part of the process of growing and expanding, and in coaching, there is a name for this work, and it is aptly called, you guessed it, Process.  What do you need to say yes to, to make you heart is a scary word, until you practice saying it, then it can become a part of your vocabulary, and a part of your toolkit to a more lively, full of excitement and joyful you.  Playing is fun, but not always safe.  Hire a coach today and find out what lies just below the surface that speaks truth and light into your heart.


  1. I need to say yes to breaking rules! The rules I learned about being good. The rules I learned about hiding anger and sadness...all the challenging emotions. I say yes to being real. Real to what is my true experience in the moment, and expressing myself from this place.
    Thank you Linda!

  2. Szossy, thanks for sharing, you are an amazing guy and I can't wait to be coached by you-xo
