Thursday, June 6, 2013

Coaching without ego

Tonight I coached a, yikes. I asked her why she hired me and she said "because I wanted a coach". There is no ego in coaching, which means that no matter how long someone has been working in this profession, they never acquire the condescending-look-down-the-tip-of-their-nose-I have-arrived look that sometimes goes with status and position. In fact, humility is the mark of every great coach, and my new client coach is humbily great. In coaching, client and coach design an alliance, a working agreement, terms of engagement if you will. There is an equality that is established and a partnership that develops. Each one, trains the other on how to "be" in the partnership.  Today, she gave me the gift of hiring me, and I am grateful. The teacher trusting the student is thought provoking, and is creating some kind of deeper faith in the unknown unfolding, without me needing to figure it all out before hand. That's coaching, I listen, I am led and I follow.

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