Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Breathing after full immersion

I am a new coach, green behind the ears. This means I am eager; I want to coach everyone; I want people I care about to dream big, live on purpose, tap into the amazing possibilities and joy that awaits them. Coaching has and is doing this for me.  During my last coaching weekend, my head was "held under the water" by an amazing man who knew what I needed when I needed it. He asked just the right question and it hit the mark, holding me in place so that I could look inside and see what was silently but persistently leading me by the nose, persistent thoughts that caused low level but also persistent free floating anxiety. Persistent is key, because we all have persistent thoughts, and without our permission, or knowledge most of the time, we are held captive by repetitive thoughts that seem to drag us this way and that, off course, like the tail wagging the dog, we unconsciously go and react and behave and get the idea. Recently I was baptized. Before going under the water, before being fully emmersed, I had no idea the impact this symbolic act would have on my life. I died in Christ and rose again, my faith stronger than ever before. When I was powerfully coached,  my head was "held under the water". My coach knew that I would survive, that I would breath again, that I would be somehow new, stronger, and that I would also be free from the pervasive thoughts that had previously held me captive.  The Coach is brave for the client, He believes in the client, and He will take risks for the client when the client isn't strong enough to on their own. Coaching changes lives, let a coach help change yours for the better, today.

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