Spell: noun a form of words used as a magical charm or incantation; a state of enchantment caused by a magic spell; an ability to control or influence people as though one had magical power over them
Under a spell: not fully in control of one's thoughts and actions
Under someone's spell: so devoted to someone that they seem to have magic power over one
Bound: noun a limitation or restriction on feeling or action; verb form the boundary of; enclose; place within certain limits; restrict; outside the limits of where one is permitted to be; beyond what is acceptable
Bind: verb tie or fasten (something) tightly together; restrain (someone) by tying their hands and feet; wrap (something) tightly
Spellbound: having your attention completely held by something, so that you cannot think about anything else
Spellbind: verb hold the complete attention of (someone) as though by magic; fascinate
Masks, a sea of them, greeted me when I entered Home Sense in search of a day timer for the new year. My eyes saw and my mind fought in disbelief: how could it be that everyone, men, women, children, staff, wore dastardly mouth and nose coverings? How could it be that they all, fell into the snare, the trap set for them? I found what I was looking for and began to feel dizzy, and as though my eyes wanted to cross. By the time I waited silently in line and then paid, I couldn't see straight, and I floated across the parking lot to my car, where my son sat waiting for me. I told him what was happening with my senses and how discombobulated I felt, and what I had witnessed inside the store, and he simply stated: They are under a spell mum.
Ahhhh ... that feeling of having my soul side swiped and then slammed by an invisible force, pushing my spirit outside of my body so that I feel discomfiture, has occurred many a time since then, but now I am savvy. Now I know, without a doubt, that the masses were under a spell cast, and that they are now bound. They are: enchanted, controlled, influenced, not fully in control of their thoughts and actions; they are limited and restricted in their feelings and actions, enclosed, limited, not permitted outside of their enclosure; they have been tied, fastened tightly together, restrained at the hands and feet, wrapped tightly; their attention is completely held by something, so that they cannot think about anything else; their attention on someone or many someones is so complete that it is as though by magic ... they are utterly fascinated.
I committed to never getting used to masks on faces. I committed to never accepting or excusing them as a form of medically approved protective gear. I committed to challenging the nonsense for what it is, FABRICation. Anyone that wore a mask that knew what had occurred behind the scenes, made themselves susceptible to more manipulation further on down the road. Giving into coercive tactics weakens a fragile character, and the end result? is a whole bunch of fearful people hiding, literally, behind masks. When the masses took those things off, the majority did not feel the sting of shame, nor did they commit to never again masking up, and I think that has a lot to do with our current state of spellbound-ness. They weren't sorry; they didn't repent, and chances are high that if everyone threw those suckers on again, the ones in the "know" would pull out their designer cloths too, and string themselves up so as not to stand out ... but they would stand out, dear reader, because I could see them the first time around this ugly bend.
If someone tells you to do something and you have to compromise your integrity to comply, and you do, comply, you have entered a danger zone. You can no longer trust yourself, you can no longer count on you to do the right thing for your own well-being, and the door you entered through, opens you up to more of the same. The nefarious understand incremental degradation. This is why you and I can really like and then love someone when we first meet them and get to know them, and how we can gradually fall out of love and like, when we know what makes up their being. No one is cruel, dismissive, without affection entirely when we meet them: these things are discovered over time, and that trapped feeling can kick in and have us question our own lack of discernment. We can talk ourselves into bad behaviour, bad relationships, and more of the same if it is too uncomfortable to change (or way to easy to just live status quo).
So, I challenge anyone reading this to take a good hard look at your recent, and perhaps rather ancient, past. We are all inclined to compromise our values to accommodate what we want or think we want, but alas, if you are in Christ, your conscience will prick and you will feel deep sorrow when you come to terms with your sins before an all knowing all powerful God. The devil delights when we collude with him, or those that openly sin. He gives himself a good old pat on the back each time we align with someone that cheats on his taxes, promotes prideful people and their agendas, supplies funds for immoral wars, agrees to the killing of babies in the womb, or adults and children via lethal injections ... I don't even have to list names here, because all the politicians are guilty of what I am accusing them of. The question is: Are you guilty of supporting demonic plots, fascinated as though spell bound? If so, please do, come out from your tomb, ask to be unravelled from the dead body mummy bindings, and pray to God to set you free in the LORD, the Saviour of the world, that died for your sins and mine.
Christ, and Christ alone, for the professing Christian.
NOTE: No where in The Bible does it indicate that it is our duty to vote for anyone, especially not the better of two evils. John the Baptist instructed:
Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matthew 3:2)
If only repentance was preached today ...
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