Monday, November 18, 2024

Mafia Mentality-Murder Meat Hook

Dear reader, have you become accustomed, or acclimated, to killers and killing, to murder, of any and all sorts? I have finally figured something crucial out, and you and I need to discuss the matter.  

Let us consider the babe in the womb scenario. A female is impregnated, this causes her distress and while considering her options, she decides to engage the services of a qualified killer, and his assistants, to murder the new life so that she doesn't have to face the world with obvious evidence of her sin. 

Let us now consider the possibility of the female having been raped, or perhaps she is married and via ultrasound, it is disclosed that the baby is marred in some way ... no one would want to deal with these stigmas; surely aborting the mission, aborting motherhood, ridding one's self of a reminder of violence committed or a disabled human that will only hinder the woman's life, is good enough reason to kill the thing. 

Validating reasons gives permission to play the role of creator and killer, after all, the woman and someone she partnered with, willingly or unwillingly, created a baby, and isn't it right, dear reader, that she ought to have the right to kill it to0? According to man's rules, all of this makes perfect sense. Got a problem, find a way to fix it ... sounds so gangster to my typing ears. Our society, at large, has a mafia mentality. 

When I considered this piece of writing, I was going to go down a well trodden grass and plant free path, calling for attention and accountable for the people that have been placed as leaders for the countries of the world, but I decided that isn't the route required. I see the forest, and I see that some have stepped on the short greenery as they wove their way in and around the trees; so few have travelled there that the wear and tear of the foliage is almost imperceptible. Let us go there now, if you can bear it, dear one. 

The only reason I deduce as an explanation for supporting killers that publicly declare the terms that are excusable for killing babies in the womb, is plain old fashioned guilt alignment. If a person is culpable, if a person has committed the crime, lived with the sin without calling it sin, or repenting from having killed their own offspring - or someone elses as the hitman or cashed out mercenary, otherwise known as abortion doctors - then it makes perfect sense that they would applaud those that condone the acts of murder. If a leader is the immoral judge, and you or I want our conscience assuaged, then hoorah, we have found ourselves someone that will champion our own wicked choices, and in return, because reciprocal responses are conditioned into unaware and susceptible humans, we champion them. 

Why not take this whole argument a couple steps further, shall we? If there are valid reasons to eliminate a child from the womb, or shortly after it takes its first breath after exiting the womb (either way, murder is murder), then does it not make logical sense that humans, big and small, young and old, are also expendable, if they don't like their life, or they are a burden, or they aren't smart, cute, creative enough ... if they are perceived as useless, ugly, and just plain old stupid ... 

Off with their heads, is what the Queen of Hearts would say, and aren't there a whole bunch of idiotic cards, just waiting to do her bidding? 

Exodus 20:13
Thou shalt not kill

Hmmmm, thou shalt not kill, unless ...
Oh, thou shalt not kill, except for ...
Ya ya, thou shalt not kill, not including ...

We have lots and lots of reasons to justify what is wicked in the eyes of the Lord. We give ourselves a pass whenever we decide to do what we know is not right, and as a collective, the masses give anyone a huge pass too, when their crime, their sin, their unrighteousness matches up almost perfectly with the loud mouth in front of the microphone. 

So, dear reader, I ask you. 
  • What crime, secret to you but clearly an affront to the all knowing Lord, have you committed? 
  • What sin have you buried deep in your soul that you condone in others, so as to feel okay about what you did? 
  • Do you collude with killers, because it lets you off the murder meat hook? 
Those that have ridden the crimson wave to the top of the leader board, were swept up high by people like you, if you have not confessed, owned, grieved, sorrowfully wept, over your own sin, and the sins of those you profess to love. If you make excuses for others, clearly, you are comfortable, making them for yourself; and clearly, you just cannot stand it when people like me, point out what God has commanded. 

There are a lot of thou shalt nots, and some dare to suggest that God contradicts himself and does what he says we ought not do. Here is my response, found in scripture, to this very nervy suggestion:

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand (Deuteronomy 32:29)

If you approve of abortion, you deny God's declaration that he is the one that kills, he is the one that makes alive, he is the one that wounds and heals, and he is the one that holds his own in his hands, and no one can take from him.

People playing God, approving, applauding, condoning, excusing any form of killing, are murderers in his sight. Are you, dear one, an unrepentant murder? 

Get bloody, swim around in your own sin soaked soul. Ask yourself if you are a liar, making a mockery of God's commandments and refusing to confess that you have gone along with wickedness because you have refused to acknowledge your own disobedience. Go ahead, test your character and intestinal fortitude, and try for once, being utterly, painfully, repentant, and finally:

Plead for your soul to the God that made and can break you, through our only mediator, Jesus Christ. Thank God for providing the Way to redemption, for giving us his only Son, who willingly took on flesh, preached the Good News, went to the cross and died for the sins of the world, and rose again, proving to mere humans, that God is indeed, the Commander of llfe, death, wounding, healing ... and holding us tenderly in his loving hand when we belong solely, to him. 

I said finally as in we are finished here, but there is one more thing:

Guilty people pay for their sins one way or another when they do not repent. I call it leakage. The masses are now self-murdering in droves, because they did not trust in the Lord as their maker/breaker. People trusted in leaders that are just like them, and dear one, those that do not love the Lord, have murder in their hearts, and they kill themselves and others without conscience.

But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Proverbs 8:36)

If you sin against God, you wrong your own soul: if you hate God's commands, embrace your own sins and the sins of others, you have a certain fondness and love for death. It is as plain to me as the nose on your face ... 

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