Thursday, November 14, 2024

Looking Behind the Curtain

An excerpt from God is Dead, written by Steve Bruce:

When the oracle speaks with a single clear voice, it is easy to believe it is the voice of God. When it speaks with twenty different voices, it is tempting to look behind the curtain.

I have often said, If Jesus is Truth, and there is only One Truth, then we ought to all agree on scriptural meaning.

Individualism suggests we can cast our own light on meaning, interpret what we read as though it pertains uniquely and specifically to our personalized perception: alas, nothing could be further from Truth. The Bible is known as the oracle of God, and while this may hurt some feelings, The Bible is entirely about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost ... we the people, must approach the reading of The Bible with reverence, and a comprehension that The Word existed before we could read, and The Word spoke us into existence. To be clear, we cannot, do not, will not, ever speak God into existence, and that is what people think they can do, magically. For example: If I believe that something is, I have the ability to manifest it; this type of conjuring (witchcraft) falsely implies demigod status, and when we delineate, we see that the deluded spell maker has fallen into the trap of denying deity of all creative Supremacy. God was, is, and always shall be ... he doesn't just appear when suddenly we first believe, even if that is how it feels when we fall head over heels in love with him. 

One Voice
When the oracle speaks with a single clear voice, it is easy to believe it is the voice of God. 

If God be our Oracle, and The Bible by extension, the written Oracle of God, we have a God that speaks to us collectively and individually too, with one message:

If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever, Amen (1 Peter 4:11)

The Bible is about God, and if we are to speak of him as his ministers, it must be according to the ability he gives us, with the focus being on glorifying him through Jesus Christ, who is to be praised, and who has dominion, for ever and ever.

In what you just read, do note: God, Jesus, glory, praise, dominion, for ever and ever. Scripture always points upward; when we pull The Bible toward us, we must do so with a heart willing to be humbled, willing to be course corrected and recalibrated to the righteousness of Christ. I am struck often, by the repeated theme, simplified for our easy comprehension and compliance if we so choose, to live the commandments. To love God is to live like him, and our perfect example walked the earth, spoke freedom from sin through repentance, and told us that the Kingdom of Heaven is near... imagine that! The Kingdom of Heaven is near, dear reader, because God incarnate said so. Choosing to believe this does not change the reality one bit; choosing to ignore the Oracle is perilous though, because like it or not, Jesus' words always ring soundly, ring truly, and those that have ears to hear, will heed. 

Many Voices
When it speaks with twenty different voices, it is tempting to look behind the curtain.

We need not wonder at the confusion, the chaos, the shade, stones, dirty, and mud thrown at The Bible. In the beginning, we are introduced to a talking snake, and silly humans too, that question and test God's authority. Snakes have proliferated, and silly humans have followed suit, behaving similarly to their deviating ancestors. The twenty different voices have become hundreds of thousands, competing for air and ear time, all of them suggesting that belief is the equivalent of verity. The slithering snake has managed to commend himself, and the voices in the heads of the confused are loud and demanding and we see the inner world showing up on the outside in all manner of debauchery. Looking behind the curtain, or beyond the veil, reveals a sordid sinful self-indulgent demonic crew of dissenters: fallen angels whisper, suggest, cajole, coerce, command, demand, and the silly humans comply. 

When reading The Bible, we are told not to envy, to pray for our enemies, to be content with what we have, to be at peace when at all possible, to love God and our neighbours, no matter what they have said and done. Are you living this way, dear reader? We are instructed to obey the commandments, need I list them here as a reminder?

When we look to The Bible, the spiritual realm opens up in curious and unusual ways that inform and instruct ... when looking behind the curtain to discern where all the doubtful voices are coming from, we discover the father of lies hiding there, pressing humanity at ever turn, desiring our demise.

Which voice do you hear? The voice of God will never instruct you to harm yourself or anyone else. The voices that attempt to compete with God's, will lead you in multiple directions, and always away from the Voice of Truth. Jesus is the Truth, and to deny him as deity, makes it really easy to shove The Bible onto a shelf, and treat it as though it is just one more book that you can take or leave, or as something that isn't sound, because humans that work for the evil one, have denigrated it mindlessly, and without relenting. 

The trap is set, and Christians are falling into it daily, when they too, suggest that the Oracle of God, is not to be trusted. I beseech you here and now, dear one, to return to your first love, spoken of in The Word, for the salvation of your soul, the soundness of your mind, and the edification of your spirit. One God, indivisible, Father, Son, Holy Ghost.

Goodbye for now ~ did you know this was what people used to say when they departed from one another, which means: God be with you? ~: I learned this from Steve Bruce. 

God speed dear one. 

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