Saturday, August 17, 2024

Money Is Like Manure

An excerpt from you guessed it, Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible:

Money is like manure, good for nothing if it is not spread, page 564

Dear reader, how do you make use of the money you have been blessed with; and come to think of it, do you consider your income a blessing from God, or do you give yourself all the credit for the work you do, and the earnings you bring in? Work in and of itself is a blessing: my outlook is that payment for said employment is a significant bonus, especially for those of us that live the purpose God has designed us for ... but I digress. 

More from Matthew Henry:

When God enriches good men they must remember they are but stewards, and must give an account. Now a warning to the wicked: He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor (Proverbs 28:8)

What a delightful thought and turn of events. Have you heard of the analogy that you cannot grip water, that when you try, it slips effortlessly through your fingers? I contrast and compare this picture to the dripping of cash, from the hands of those that misappropriate to grab as much of it as they can. There is leakage, and they must try all the harder to perpetually obtain, forever thrashing about to get more and more of a substance that perhaps fills their fists temporarily, but like a hobo hopping the next freight train, the money is transient and cannot be held in place. The filthy rich are like this, are't they dear one, never satisfied with a piece of the pie, but forever wanting every crumb for themselves, even if it means pushing someone out of their rightful place, to get at it. 

What do you do with the money you have? Do you spread it around for the good of others? Integrity dictates we manage money with regard, treat it as though it matters, because it does matter. How we spend it or share it, indicates what matters most to us. 

My son has shared with me the ousting of a pastor friend of his that has been kicked out of the Church of England, for speaking against the ordination of women. This is tragically comical. A pastor doing the work of God, speaking truth, and being banished to Siberia so to speak, for not being a hypocrite! God bless him, this is thrilling, and reminds me of Acts in The Bible! How exciting it is to know of men of God that defer to the King of kings, and not to perishable and dying men that will soon enough, be sweet worm meat. NOTE: I learned more regarding the coup. The superior that wanted this fellow out, also wants to sell the building and line his pockets with the cash it pulls in. No wonder so many churches are empty these days, huh? Let us look at scripture for some understanding regarding how the church ought to behave.

Paul gave instructions to the Corinthians, and the Galatians before them, regarding the gathering of money for the saints in need of support in Jerusalem. It behooves us to treat our brethren similarly:

Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. And when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem. And if it be meet that I go also, they shall go with me (1 Corinthians 16:1-4) 

His instructions include: 

  • Follow the same orders of collecting money for the saints, as have already been given to Galatian churches
  • Put aside money at the first of every week, based on the prosperity God has provided you ... don't wait until I arrive and pull some "extra" cash out of your pocket the day you see me
  • When I am there, whomever it is that you have approved with the task of delivering the liberality, meaning the money you have cheerfully collected and most willingly and freely contribute to the saints, will bring it to Jerusalem
  • I will send that person 
  • If it is appropriate or possible, the approved person will accompany me with the gift

Let us return to the brother in Christ I spoke of earlier. £6000 pounds have already been sent to him and his family. Fascinating, isn't it, how demoniacs aim to dismantle and destroy the faithful, and the body of Christ steps into the fray so that the work we have been given continues, unhindered? Money is not a necessary evil, money is a blessing we bestow for the sake of the building of the Kingdom of God: while here on earth, our work is to believe in the One God hath sent, and to share the Good News of the Gospel. Nothing and no one can, or will, thwart the Almighty. The Word, will go out. Hear the words of our Lord spoken to Peter. NOTE: We are the church he speaks of!

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18)

Only worldling's see money as the end to justify their mischievous means. Only hirelings attempt to hold captive those that are free in Christ. Only the damnable lie, cheat, misrepresent, misappropriate, to buy themselves creature comforts, at the expense of the innocent that work towards the salvation of souls. 

The priest I have mentioned twice before, has a family, and two of them happen to be his children ... the rest are brothers and sisters in Christ, unified by the blood he shed for the entire world on the cross of crucifixion. We do not cherry pick from The Bible to accommodate our own ideas, opinions. or perspectives, as the worldly do when they attempt to convolute with hidden agendas firmly in place.  We love the entire Word, even if it means recognizing we have gone astray, and have need to course correct ...

I sent money to the young fella with a family, and it was my pleasure. I am not saying this to brag, I am saying it so that you send money too! If you want to send to him, that is great, just let me know and I will get his contact info to you ... or perhaps, you can give to someone in need and be the hands and feet of Jesus ... WEEKLY, and not just when the feeling moves you. 

Matthew 25:40
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 

This verse, dear reader, cuts both ways. Hurt one of Jesus' saints, you insult him. Help one of Jesus' saints, it is as though you do something wonderful for him. Let this be a warning to those that think themselves safe from recompense. God sees you and what you do, and don't make the mistake of believing your reprieve with save you from reprisal. God's wrath is consuming, and each of us will one day stand before him as the righteous Judge.

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