Tuesday, August 13, 2024

God's Deputy

Conscience is God's deputy. What do you think of this statement dear reader? taken from page 557 of Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible.

Here is what I think:

1. This is an outstanding assessment of God's voice and presence in the lives of those that belong to him 

2. Those that deny God have tried to shoot the sheriff, but they cannot kill the deputy (Bob Marley reference)

Try as they might, the wicked just plain old cannot kill their conscience. Malfactors lie to get out of being held accountable and responsible for their deplorable words and actions, but they cannot escape the truth, no matter how they manipulate and attempt to mangle it, to save their own skin. The conscience is a built in lie detector, and a person has to commit to perpetual falsehood and habitual lying, in order to have their conscience seared. See the insights (followed by guiding advice if you read the whole chapter) Paul gives to his spiritual son, Timothy

1 Timothy 4:1-2
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron

1. The Holy Spirit speaks expressly ~ explicitly, clearly that
2. In latter times ~ would you agree we are in "latter times" now, dear reader?
3. Some will depart from faith ~ in the living God of the Bible
4. They will heed ~ pay attention to, take notice of ~ seducing spirits ~ otherwise known as demons
5. Heeding doctrines ~ a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group ~ of devils 
6. Speaking lies 
7. In hypocrisy
8. Having their conscience seared with a hot iron

What do you think about the scriptural description noted above? I see it as a foretelling of our current circumstances, and man alive, what a strangely shocking relief it is, to have this spelled out for us so plainly, or expressly, as The Bible states.

❤️‍🔥 Strange, because of the abhorrent truth, that this is what we are seeing
❤️‍🔥 Shocking, because of its accuracy, and more so because we are witnessing loud and big mouths spewing the doctrines of demons with nary a care, or any evidence of regret or remorse, that they have denied God as their Creator and King, and worse yet, have affiliated with Satan
❤️‍🔥 Relief, because The Bible is a tell all manual for life, and we can learn God's plan and live according to his will, so that we are not demeaning ourselves by doing the dastardly deeds of devils! 

Speaking lies, in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared ~ insensitive ~ with a hot iron ~ scorched! 

Does this give you a clear picture of what goes on in the minds, then the hearts, then the very souls of liars and hypocrites, dear reader? Manipulators become insensitive to the impact of their deceptions, and eventually, they simply cannot see nor hear what mischief they have caused, because they are delighting in it, having committed to it in the first place. They rather enjoy adoring fawning fans falling into the traps their words and hands have set ... keep in mind, when a person persistently lies, they know they are doing it purposefully. Eventually, lying becomes a way of life, and these are my questions to you:

❓Do you dare put trust in someone that has lied repeatedly, publicly (or privately for that matter), professionally, meaning they are so good at it, it has become their art form, their dedicated skill set, designed to deceive anyone listening to them?

❓Do you dare support the hypocrites that speak of God from one side of their mouth, but curse him with their actions, having used other humans as a means to prosperity, popularity, and power? 

❓Do you actually believe that politicians and pastors that speak Christianeez, but live as adulterers, thieves, fornicators, murderers and hypocrites, can save us from the destruction that is forest fire hot, rolling in our direction? 

Break free, dear one, from believing in a human as any sort of saviour. There is one Saviour, and he was crucified for the sins of the world, nailed to the cross for you and me, your children and grandchildren too. It is laughable to put our trust in fallen, failing, and then flailing. men and women that are destined to become dirt, since they are dying, and will one day be no more. Let us not clamour to protect those that cannot protect us from our own sin ... the sins our conscience convicts us of regularly. 

If the conscience is indeed, God's deputy, it behooves us to come clean with him, to confess to him, to put our faith and trust in him, perhaps for the very first time in our lives. He is the one that lifts the sun to shine over us on a bright day (on dull days too, even if we cannot see it for all the clouds it hides behind), and he is the one that rose his Son from death to life, and he is the one that will one day, raise us up too, after the grave has had its fill. 

The realms are real, and the Luciferian's apparently know this truth better than bumbling sleepy professing Christians. The Luciferian's have the microphone firmly grasped and they broadcast lies like bubbles from one of those children's wands ... soapy nonsense that splat on unsuspecting audiences prepared to adore them, no matter the drivel that pours frothing forth from their overly productive mouths. 

The realms ... we have the physical, and we have the spiritual ... to which, dear reader, do you belong?

The realms ... we have the heavenly, and we have the hellish ... to which, dear reader, do you suppose you will go?

If you haven't considered what we just covered together here in this writing, perhaps you are doing so now ... I pray you are. I leave you with scripture, desiring the very best for you that God has to offer:

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:1)

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