Saturday, August 31, 2024

Gorgeous Nature

Can you hear it, dear reader? Are you tapping your feet as you pick-up the beat? Nature sings praises to God, are you attuned? 

I have heard a chorus of crickets that sound like a heavenly angelic choir. Someone took the time to record and then slow the sound, and voila, the listener'r soul is transported upward. Have you heard this recording too?

What about the time-lapsed images of birds flying to and fro to retrieve building materials for nest assembly? Have you delighted in following their progress, watching them care for their offspring, the tiny replicas that seem to miraculously emerge from cracked, previously sat on and kept warm, eggs? How can all of this be, dear reader? Is it not wonderfully astounding?

I read this morning in Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible, page 579, that what we see, is natural constant preaching of God's presence and more significantly, God's creative hand in all things natural. To state this plainly, nature is gorgeous, elegant, perfectly unified, and fits hand in glove in extraordinary countless ways ... do you appreciate this, dear one? 

I have been thinking about blueprints ... DNA strands and scientific this or that ... those that look through microscopes and then despotically deconstruct the elements in order to comprehend the mysteries of the inner workings of the thing they study so that they can Frankenstein bits and pieces together ... I am writing tangentially at the moment ... please bear with me as I take us somewhere ...

My idea is that without raw materials, there would be nothing to study, but let us add to this, that there would be nothing to manipulate or bastardize either. Scientists use what God, and only God, can provide, to firstly discover, and then what appears to be very common practice, to destroy via splicing and dicing and reassembling, so that healthy structures are weakened and grotesquely disabled and disfigured.  Mad scientists ~ crazy people, that deny God, despite all the evidential proof they steal from nature ~ refuse to praise the Creator, while nature cannot help but sing his praises. 

Crickets are humming, Holy is the Lord
Birds are chirping, God is my provider and protector
Bees are buzzing, Beautiful is thy bounty

What are you humming? What are you chirping about? What vibrational buzz has you declaring God has provided beauty and bounty as your provider and protector?

I love a full and complete circle. I really appreciate when all things make sense and there is nothing lacking or missing. I look at human babies, puppies ~ infant forms of all kinds ~ budding flowers and trees; the roll waves inland followed shortly thereafter, by a mesmerizing rolling back out again, and I cannot help but be in utter awe. When I think of a flower, I do not want to pull it apart, because I know that if I do, I will not be able to reassemble it again, and that I have somehow contributed to its final demise ... a flower's life is short lived, and its beauty fades quickly. When I think of humans being pulled apart by other humans, it is wretchedness to my soul ... the bloom of youth is short lived, and to hurt another human is to contribute to their final, more often than not, painful demise. Why would anyone want to do this, you ask? Indeed, why ... The Bible says those that sin against God, hate him, and love death: 

But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Proverbs 8:36)

If a person hates God and sins against him, wronging the very soul that God has given him, what difference does it make if he hates you, hates me, hates our children, hates birds, flowers, trees, bears, bees ... Hate is hate, and if a person hates, then it Biblically follows, that they love the death of people, places, and precious things, that remind you and me of God's magnificent creative hand. They love to hate. They love death for hell's sake. They actually, oddly, hate God, the God that made them! 

I will not convolute. I refuse to philosophize. I do not speak apologetically or prophetically either. I only beseech, with hope and prayer, that people will turn in thanksgiving to their Maker(s) ~ God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost ~ and join in with natural preaching and praising of the Almighty. Let us couple our voices with the heavenly holy angelic host, in glorifying the Most High, this very day

 ... and let the demons shriek their horror and fear; their days are numbered. 

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