Friday, August 23, 2024

Defending Deceivers

Yesterday I had a bee in my bonnet, so I took a big stick and shoved it hard into a hornets nest, then stirred. The results were as I had hoped: I got great satisfaction from the word tomato and stones thrown at me by the buzzing hornets that could not stand their hero being accused of murder, of lying, of being a Satan worshipping free mason. 

I attacked Trump ... because the man has spoken vile words of recommendation, telling people repeatedly to get the oh-so-popular injections that were all the rage not that long ago: now we all know countless numbers of sick people, or we hear about so and so dropping dead in their kitchen, backyard, or just standing around where ever they happen to be; expiring in ambulances or hospital beds, after being poisoned to death. 

I know many a soul that has suffered after syringes filled with the vile concoction were inserted into arms, with the product forced in at needle point. I heard someone say, People are walking like broken chairs ... have you noticed how many people are lopsidedly limping these days? The injured display their wounds and no matter how many specialists they see, or how many tests they get, the damage is permanent and possibly deadly. But for the grace of God, go we ... he has been very merciful in giving us time to repent and reconcile with him. If you got those shots and you are now realizing you made a grave error, please do, consider confessing your sin ~ namely, going against God's Sovereign will ~ and ask for forgiveness through Christ our Lord, and then, sin no more. 

Yesterday I posted on LinkedIn, and other social media, but it was the LinkedIn members that went hog wild, crazed and wanting to annihilate my character, as a Christian and as a Canadian. I couldn't care less about their opinion or their frothing at the mouth, I wasn't entering a popularity contest. What I was doing was going after the idol they worship, the despicable deceiver that they love to defend. Idol worship is a sin, and while the wicked roam free, many are still reeling from the loss of loved ones that fell for the hoax perpetrated and perpetuated, by people like Trump, Biden, Trudeau, Poilievre, and all the either ors, the us and them's that people love and hate, and seem to enjoy fighting over. Guilty, each and everyone, that masked up, took to the mic, and spoke the vicious words, get the shots, or something to that effect. It isn't either Trump or Harris, Trudeau or Poilievre ... since when has life been reduced to all but two options, ever? And dear reader, do you seriously believe any of these duplicitous people will do rightly?

One of the most disturbing arguments I have heard in defence of Trump, is that he was unaware of what he was recommending regarding covid shots; that he had somehow been in the dark and misled, just like the millions and millions of people that he says he saved via warp speeding the very same potions. 

1. Let us say for arguments sake, that yes indeed, the man was duped, like so many admittedly were ... why in God's name would anyone want him as President ... how was he in the dark with all the intel he had available to him. Doesn't that make him blind, deaf, dumb, and easily fooled?

2. Let us say, giving the man the benefit of the doubt, that he was late to the poison party, and only recently learned that it was a planned and timed event. After recommending ~ and being recorded doing so at least five times ~ people get the shots, why hasn't he once shown any compassion for the injured? How can he show his face? knowing people worship the ground he walks on, trust him, and taking his recommendations seriously, got injected, and are now living the consequences. Where is the regret, the remorse?  


1. Did you tell people to wear a mask, keep their distance, and get those shots, dear one?

2. Do you regret your words, your actions, your heavy handed demands? 

Excuses do not mitigate outcomes or consequences. The pain and suffering is real, and I have yet to hear Trump, or any of the perpetrators and politicians, speak compassionately, or remorsefully, toward the victims, or for the part they played in causing injury and death. 

Grievous, it is all grievous. And those that defend deceivers I suspect, fell for the hoax, and have some reconciling to do with their own conscience. It is their only hope to become honest with themselves and others. 

Throw the word tomatoes and stones all you like, if you happen to be someone that cannot stand your idol being torn down; just know the facts, and truth, do not change simply because you do not like them. God is the Judge and sees all, and he knows what is in the hearts and minds of men and women. 

What, pray tell, is in yours?

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