Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Brain Bath

Imagine your brain, bathed in Truth serum:

  • Who would you be?
  • Would we be able to recognize you? 
  • If you were completely different, would that indicate to others that you were self and other deceived? prior to the treatment that changed your thinking and being.
Death is one of those rude awakening events that tend to help us see the flimsy cobweb clusters accumulated in the corners of our minds. The stark reality of the removal of a person we know, coupled with the feeling that something is missing ... something is amiss, something just ain't quite right, leaves us faded somehow; perhaps we become a semblance of our former selves.

Death is Truth serum for the soul. 

I know several people that began to take life very seriously, leaving behind frivolity, following the death of a loved one. And ought it not to be so, dear reader? shouldn't we be pensive and perhaps a bit preoccupied too, when someone has left us behind, without providing a forwarding address? 

I think the time that follows the death of someone we love must be a time of reconciling, with them, with self, with others too, and more importantly, with God.

Romans 12:18
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

While we are still here in this the physical realm, as much as is possible and within our capabilities, it behooves us to live peaceably with all men. But, dear reader, not all men want to live peaceably with us. Some men want to maim, kill, destroy ... with this type of character, there is no such thing as peace. 

The crux of the matter is what hangs in the balance ... Jesus said, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). Our peace while here, and later in the great beyond if heaven becomes our eternal home, must come from the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ ... the prince of darkness presides and reigns supreme in the physical realm and if you doubt this, dear one, then I wonder at your world view? and your perception too, of the goings on that we are witnessing daily. Satan is referred to as the god of this world, in 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Satan does not want minds illumined with the glorious light of Truth, that Christ is King and the key to salvation. 
  • If only everyone would take a Truth brain bath
  • If only all, considered Truth as the serum that saves
  • If only duplicity, dichotomy, divisiveness, and devilishness were easily identified by each and every one of us ... 
I have the if only's right now, dear reader. A melancholy blanket drapes over me in my restlessness. I want to move forward, but walking does not change the location of my heart; it hovers tentatively like a leaden balloon. My hope is in Christ Jesus, while my understanding acknowledges how sin soaked the world is; we are living the repercussions of cumulative un-repented sin. 

I am writing in my kitchen. Overhead, the ceiling is stained because above the kitchen sink is a toilet. A drainage pipe for this toilet has somehow gotten itself bent out of shape, and water is pooling there. The water has to go somewhere, so it spills, exiting through the ceiling light that is poised directly over the kitchen island. Drip, drip, drip ... sin is like water droplets ... one at a time does very little damage, add one drop to another and then another, and then hundreds and thousands more, and the ceiling may very well drip and then drop, right on your head, or mine in this instance. 

The stain is there, evidence that something is not working properly. A toilet is over the kitchen, imagine that, dear one ... mixing waste that is disgusting, with what we consume that ought to be physically beneficial to our bodies. Sin is the disgusting stuff that stains and soils the soul, Truth is the purification filtration system that can clean us from the inside out, removing the evidence of sinful stains. 

I have already spent $500 to repair what has gone amiss. The next step is to cut out the concealing ceiling, have the naughty pipe removed and replaced by one that works to clear out sewage. Men are doing this dirty work for me and my family. Men that are willing to get a little dirty themselves, so that our house can be functionally useful. Men of God ... they do the work that I cannot do, and I am very grateful. Jesus, dear one, did the work that you could not do. You could not clear or clean yourself from your filthy sin, but his perfect blood can wash you clean ... you need only be honest with him, and with yourself, allowing him to baptize your brain, bathing in Truth serum. 

That's it for me today, at least in writing. I am grateful for words, The Word. And I am grateful for cleaning solutions and solvents for soiled souls. 

What, pray tell, are you grateful for, and to whom/Whom? Do you have any invisible, or perhaps very obvious to the naked eye, stains that need taking care of? I leave you to your washing, and may God's hand be upon you in all you say and do, from this day forward. 

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:7)

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