Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Hilarity of Arrogance

I have been thinking about God, and as is typical in my incapacity to comprehend his foreverness, I see him as ancient, aging, and maybe a little behind the times. Kind of like, say... me. I giggled out loud when I typed these ridiculous thoughts. Finite beings clearly, have difficulty understanding the infinite, all powerful wisdom of God... I am quite obviously, no different. 

Using raw materials, made from something that wasn't there before he designed it, whatever it is and was and will be, God made everything. I am laughing again, dear reader, because try as we might, there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING we can make without sourcing the materials, to put the thing together, that we imagine in our minds. We humans are outsourcing all the time!

Now, let us walk along a gorgeous shore line, feeling the warmth of wet waves washing over our toes. The sun warms our shoulders, gently kissing tender skin. Feel the sand, silky beneath your feet, sinking in and being swallowed, temporarily suctioned and then released, as you lift one foot, then the next, spotting a glimmering stone here, a shiny shell over there. Glorious...

Man did not make this, nor can he... demons hate the luxuriousness of God's creation, and they want to dissemble, tear apart, divide up what he made whole and perfectly complete. We see them doing this with the humans God crafted, but dear reader, they must use what was made by his mighty hand, his raw materials, in their attempts to undo what has been Holy ordained. 

The arrogant believe they can look into the mysteries of God, and use what he divinely created, against humanity. I must say, they are doing a pretty good job of it, but they are no different from the murderers of old, the crafty, sneaky villains that saw themselves as gods: humans that think themselves above others, will impose their will, manipulate, poke and prod, in order to enslave: this is how we know demons are influencing them. God on the other, right hand, never forces, never takes away a man, woman, or child's right to choose. 

The demoniacs really are enjoying themselves... for now. They really believe they have the world by the tail. This is sadly funny, a sick joke played on them by the devil himself. He uses and abuses them until all they can think of is destroying, maiming, killing their fellow man. He has placed rings in their noses, and shackles on their ankles, and the microscopes they use, the syringes they fill and press, are the very things that damn them. Since they love and cling to death, it will be their ultimate demise... and they know not what awaits them; arrogance holds them captive.

But he that sinneth agaisnt me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Proverbs 8:36)

I guess what I am driving at, and want you to understand too, is God isn't out of synch, or out of time. God is not an anachronism to be dismissed as too old to understand modern times, including technology. I had to laugh yet again typing this because I am ever so slightly feeling silly at having these thoughts about him... and I am fairly confident they pop into my head unbidden, repeated as a whisper from someone that would prefer I make God little, inept, bent over, a bit blind, deaf, and dumb. Yup, Satan is always taking shots at God, and his children. But I see the fiery darts, thanks be to God, and my Lord is quick to quench them! 

So, dear reader, we get to have a little tete-a-tete with God, and thank him for all creation. We get to ask him to protect us from the dissemblers, the mockers, the mimickers that want to misuse us. We get to see him as All Powerful, All Knowing, and trust that his plans for us are perfect, even when the weirdos arrogantly make bold claims against us. 

We get to call this, the day of the Lord, and every day hereafter too. Isn't this marvellous news?

May mercy and truth be with you every day of your life, in Jesus Mighty Name.

Withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me, O LORD: 
let thy loving kindness and thy truth continually preserve me (Psalm 40:11)

By the way, if anyone's brain is "washed", it is those that believe they can corrupt God's creation and get away with it: that is the epitome of absurdity. Only the ludicrous are thusly deluded. 

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