Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Crickets & Chemical Trails

The demonized love them some fantasies of dehumanizing the populace. Demoniacs are mouth pieces for the devil, and when they open their gubbs, we see all manner of flying and crawling insects ushering out. What is good for the goner (the already walking dead and committed to damnation), they want to make good for the living: “they” want us to consume and inhale death. 

When I hear the nonsensical speak, I immediately comprehend that there has been a hostile soul takeover. Satan is the hostile, hateful, and most definitely, hurtful being that appropriates what is not his via compliance with his wicked will. You have to want to be bad to get on his good side so that he will do favours for you, favours that require life blood, yours, and everyone else’s too. 

So is it at all surprising, at this late stage of the cosmic game, that when a liar speaks, he spews misleading mental meanderings? When a killer converses, he strongly and repeatedly, hints at inhalation and injection of lethal poison, and consumption of crunchy crickets? I mean seriously, dear reader, should we expect differently from those guys and gals that hate their fellow man to the point of wanting to off them all? I think not. 

I expect nothing good to come from those that are committed to badness. It becomes easier over time to tell people apart, you know, the wicked from the godly, the zombified from the alive in Christ. Everyone dies, but while we are alive, walking, talking, living, we let others know into which camp we have pegged our tent. 

Just like the satanists do the bidding of their lord and master, Christians cannot help but be inclined to lovingly obey our King, our Saviour, our Sovereign. The false god(s), literally, cannot hold a candle to the Son of God! While Lucifer's little pee on men scurry about building cricket and other insect factories, and loading up planes with chemicals to criss-cross mark-up the skies, Christians pray to the God whose storehouses are in the heaven-lies: do recall that God can send, and rescind, plagues and pestilences. Pharaoh had his fill of frogs and gnats, and yet he still could not bring himself to bow before the God of the universe. The pretend pharaohs of our current timeline are no different. They insist that they can impose their will and way on God’s people without stoppage or reprisal, but alas, their faulty thinking sinks them deeper into the quick sand they have willingly leapt into. 

The crux, let us talk of cruxes, shall we? The crux of the matter is knowing who God is, knowing who Satan is, and knowing that they are not equal in strength or power: Satan is not a contemporary of God's. He has not the privilege to influence or impact the God that made him! It is ludicrous to think him a threat to the God that fashioned him. The magicians in Egypt could mimic the miraculous, but could not produce originals: they just don't have the blueprints or the ether that God alone has access to, because HE CREATED ALL! 

The Bible is our hope and help in troublesome times. We learn there how to sense and feel our own sin, where to look for redemption, why we must call out to God from our fallen fleshly form, to save us from our nasty selves! O, don't pretend you aren't nasty, dear reader... we all have some cleaning up to do: it isn't just me 😂.

Believe me when I tell you that getting my nose back in joint after it being out for months on end, running into years on end, took some working over on God's part. This lump of dough that is called me, had to be kneaded, folded, kneaded some more, proofed, and then eventually rolled out flat, in order for God to reshape me into something that resembles ever slightly, who he is. The chemical trails and "edible" cricket sad comedy incensed and irritated me, and I am fairly confident the headaches I have experienced where from tension unrelieved: I can't just leap skyward like superwoman and pull planes down by their tails and pound the pilots to a pulp! Hahahha, that was a fun sentence to write!

What I can do, is pray for God's people to have a Goshen kind of life. To shelter in the place of safety he has designated for us. If you have a home, food, a bed to sleep on, work, money to pay your bills, and more importantly, access to a Bible or five of them, you have all you need to learn who you are meant to be. Creature comforts afford us the luxury of study, and what could be more valuable, than studying the Word of God, pray tell? 

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success (Joshua 1:8)

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