Friday, February 23, 2024


... though he has been long reprieved, he shall be reckoned with at last: time does not wear out the guilt of any sin, particularly that of murder ~ a quote from Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible. 

It is the reprieves that are so egregious to us, are they not, dear reader? Wanton reckless reprobates wander freely, wounding our senses and scarring our souls as we look on and listen, in utter dismayed disgust.

The longing heart looks for relief and wonders how long, O Lord, must this be? I hear an echo from the past, and perhaps you do to... not until the proud have filled their cups to brimming full with iniquity... not until the saints are secure, and all the lost sheep have been gathered into the fold. 

If anyone needs a reprieve, it is the saint gone sour, sinning along side the heathens. I don't believe in once saved, always saved: the inclusion of the word apostasy in the Bible has me knowing that you can call yourself a Christian and act like one today, and in seemingly no time, become just like those that are ruled by their fleshly urges, and behave as though you belong NOT to Christ at all. Switching teams is a common game, most recently evidenced by the pretend pastors that jumped on the antichrist, anti Bible bandwagon from the pulpit, or stage, as it were. In droves they behave like petulant children, rather than deferential reverends. God does not condone, approve, tolerate, or bless sin, this is why repentance is vitally important in relation to the Sovereign.  

Wherefore my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12)

Have you, dear one, ever had a reprieve? I have had many: I cannot count the times I escaped dire consequences for foolish actions taken. Phew. When I look back, I cringe at what I have said and done, and quickly thank God for gracing me with another day to make my life a little more, ummm, godly shiny... rather than selfishly dull? Each new day is another opportunity to honour and glorify God, isn't that right? 

To stay with our theme from above, quite literally the top of this page, and from heaven above, we must address God's timing and reprieves. The wonder of God is how he can stand us at all, and the glory of him is the merciful time, after time, that he allows us to stumble, fall, scrape our knees and souls, and get back up, to either do it all over again, or choose differently, and hopefully according to his will. 

Murder, dear reader, is nothing new, and there are some famous murderers that repented from their hateful ways, and were saved from damnation. I think of John Newton, the man that penned the famous hymn, Amazing Grace. A former slave trader, responsible for locating and selling Africans into slavery, was saved by God's grace during a storm at sea, when he cried out, "Lord, have mercy on us." This life altering experience changed his life trajectory, and it can change yours too, dear reader. Cry out, Lord, have mercy on me... and see what happens in your mind, your heart, your very soul.

Now, let us address the murderers that roam freely that haven't an ounce of regret, not a sign of repentance, not a stitch of shame... God sees their hearts, and while they may have a temporary reprieve, and while their heads still remain attached to their bodies, it does not mean they will remain so forever. Listen again to the words of the wise: time does not wear out the guilt of any sin, particularly that of murder

Justice will be served. For all the contributors to the destruction of the human race, all those that said yes to de populating and diminishing their fellow man, your days are numbered, and tick tock goes the damnation clock. Repent now, sin no more, and perhaps YOU will be saved from the slavish prison of wickedness you now reside in with demons. 

NOTE: You may not know that some of the things you are saying and doing are sins against God. If you suddenly feel a flood of memories wash over you that make you blush in shame and embarrassment, that is called conviction. It is your conscience letting you know that yes indeed, you have done what God disapproves of. That yucky feeling, believe it or not, is some kind of wonderful. 

You get to say you are sorry, repent, and plead with God to make you new, in Christ Jesus. Jesus modelled what a perfect human sounds and acts like, so that we can emulate him. He didn't have to, and you don't have to do as he did either, but that is the beauty of freedom of will, you get to choose! I pray you choose wisely, and I will see you in heaven.

Praise be to God Almighty, and peace to his saints on earth.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:14)

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