Monday, February 5, 2024

Infamous Self-Murderers

There are infamous self-murderers, and I list three here, not in the order of historical occurrence, but according to how well known, world wide, their prideful self and other, destruction was.


Hitler (proportedly)


Imagine, dear reader, a criminal committing heinous crimes, purposefully, willfully, in cold blood. Next imagine they initially get away with the illegal acts: no one comes to arrest them, hold them accountable, or makes them pay for their mischief, and imposition of will; they carelessly hurt, permanently harm, and kill, innocent people. Just as they suddenly find themselves facing the fact that their day of reckoning calls for their own blood, they decide to self-murder, taking their own life.

Coward... cowards

NOTE: one does not need to strain the brain imagining the scenario described above, since we are currently bearing witness to atrocities on a daily basis, that have yet to be justly reconciled. 

Self-murderers are cowards. I suppose those that kill before falling on their own sword (Saul), shooting themselves in the head (Hitler), or hanging themselves by the neck from a tree (Judas) value life so little, that it is with odd ease they take their own, when they can not handle the prospect of publicly paying for their wickedness. 

The mercenary known as Judas, with his name forever synonymously linked with the terms traitor/betrayer, had a question for his tempters, the wicked Pharisees that sought to kill the man/God they knew fulfilled prophecy, namely, Jesus:  

And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15)

A life ... worth thirty ... pieces of silver ~ I will not go into how vulgar and obscene this is, because it ought not need explaining; nor need I emphasized how deplorably base this former disciples actions were. Suffice it to say, Judas couldn't live with himself after payment, tried to give the money back, and then hung himself. Coward.

Next on deck, we have the maniacal, notoriously and insanely corrupt, Hitler. He deemed himself commander, controller, condescender, condemner and commandeered similarly wicked minded people to murder their neighbours, their friends, their family. Anyone Hitler adjudged unworthy of breath and existence along with everyone discovered that dared go against his plans and orders, was targeted and marked for disposal, and an early grave. 

As Soviet troops entered the heart of Berlin, Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945, in his underground bunker. Although there is some speculation about the manner of his death, it is widely believed that he shot himself. Eva Braun, whom he had recently married, also took her own life: an excerpt from, The Internet. Coward.

NOTE: It is not lost on me, that neighbours, friends, and family, aligned with the devil  most recently, ostracizing, maligning, manhandling, jailing, anyone that did not go along with world government orders. It was suggested that business failure, relationship rupture, and painful death, were just rewards for those that did not mask, distance, and get lethally injected, at the behest of demonic forces disguised in human form. Satan and his tricks, huh?

Lastly, we have Saul... the very first king of Israel. He was head and shoulders above the crowd, dear reader, was anointed by God to be king, and had good and godly council that he heeded early in his reign. But wouldn't you know it, dear one, he had an ego problem, and was given over to self-governance, self-indulgence, and pride. He had a murderous heart, and tried on various occasions to kill David, a man after God's own heart. 

He threw a javelin multiple times, in the hopes of pinning him dead to a wall; he put him in peril in hopes of his demise when fighting the Philistines; he hunted David with an army at his disposal to seek, find and destroy; alas, David had Providence going before him, keeping him from the malicious man that was thirsty for innocent, loyal to God, blood. 

Enraged, Saul ordered a vengeful henchman to murder eight-five priests of the Lord, when he learned the high priest had been helpful to David while he was a refugee in his own country (David had ran for his life, so to speak, to avoid being killed by the crazed king). Fast forward, and we find king Saul, with his three dead sons by his side, wounded in battle, and asking his armour bearer to take him out of his misery, so that he would not suffer the humiliation of being killed by the enemy army. His armour bearer did not want to face God's judgment for killing the anointed king, and refused to do the deadly deed. Saul took it upon himself to fall on his own sword (his armour bearer followed suit: see how influential people of the mentally and spiritually impaired variety, horribly model deployable behaviour?), AND, once discovered the very next day, had his head lopped off, and put on display as a trophy, along with his body and the bodies of his sons, being hung so that the victors could celebrate their win and honour their demon gods for securing it. Saul was a self-possessed, and demon dominated man of infamy. He was a killer, and in his turning away from God, he turned himself into a mad man. Coward. 

NOTE: Murderers are indiscriminate. Murderers like the spilling of blood: they have blood lust. Isn't this strange, dear reader, an aberration? 

Now, I am not done with this subject yet, oh no. The three men mentioned above died dripping in blood, theirs, and that of their victims. They killed themselves because their master would have them dead, after their usefulness had expired. Judas betrayed the living Saviour, Hitler made himself a tyrannical god, and Saul disobeyed the Sovereign... anyway we slice it, these men hated God, hated other humans, and ultimately, displayed self-hatred via self-murder. 

Suicide is self-murder, and anyone that does this, denies God as the giver and taker of life. It is abominable in his sight, and utterly demonic. To assist someone in self-murder makes one an accomplice to killing... yup, yup, it is that clear.

Just as all the generations that proceeded ours, we have the same scene playing out. Satan loving demon worshippers, with their fangs exposed and dripping blood, lust for a continual crimson flow. They like death, and as I said earlier, murderers are indiscriminate: they are good with babies dying, moms and dads dying, your grandma May in the nursing home dying, and uncle Fred up the road dropping dead. 

Thing is, everyone dies... it just so happens, the mass murderers become infamous, eventually have no where to hide, and their pride cannot keep them from the ultimate humiliation of being brought low, once the cup of their iniquity has been filled. God gives us many an opportunity to refrain from committing sin, and to repent when we have gone against his Holy grain and name. Those that live in the limelight on the global stage that are committing crime after brutal crime, with have a day of reckoning before Almighty God, even if they decide to hang, shoot, or stab themselves to death to avoid public embarrassment and shame. 

I leave you with an encouraging word from scripture:

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; always bearing in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh (2 Corinthians 4:8-11)


  1. I know this will not be a Christ like comment but can you just imagine the number of souls that would have been given extra time to come to faith in Jesus had certain evil scum like Fauci, Gates, Harari, Schwab, Tedros, etc., to name a few, done the same "honorable" thing before they were able to unleash the horror they did on the unsuspecting world? Just saying.

    I like how you mentioned Hitler and in brackets purportedly. Way too many of these evil individuals in the Nazi regime were whisked to Argentina just before the end of the war. Thus, the truth may never be known. Until we get to heaven anyway.

  2. While I do believe the murderers played a hand in the demise of many a lost soul, God does not play favourites AND has a relationship with each human, whether or not they want to have one with him. Ultimately, he gives and takes life, and those that died after being poisoned, were willing to believe liars rather than the Author of life... I guess what I am saying, is NONE of us are innocent and purely subjected to other, we play a role in our own downfall and demise. Who we believe matters! Peoples willingness to go along with the masks and the distancing was alarming, and telltale... if they were so willing to give up air and freedom of association, it makes sense they were willing to give up responsibility for their own health and well-being to perfect strangers!

    Yes, I do believe Hitler was a coward and killed himself, but as you point out Bob, we won't know for sure, and probs won't care either, when we are will the Lord! In any case, the fella is dead now, no doubt, and not in a good place... Hell, is ummm, HELL
