🖤 Do you always have to be right?
🖤 Can you give up, concede, when you hear a differing point of view? and;
🖤 Consider what the other person is saying and perhaps, agree with them?
I don’t like to argue, but when I have a different perspective, or opinion from someone I am communicating with, and I state it plainly with reasonableness, and they insist on validating their slant to the point of ridiculousness, removing all plausibility from their pouring forth of frothy words, I have a tendency to walk away. The crazy thing is, while I am walking away, sometimes the other person keeps yakking, as though by continuing to speak, they have garnered a win.
I think of this form of back and forth communicating as completely manipulative. The insistent one has a slant, an angle, and while I admire their complete committed tenacity to their cause of imposing their point of view, I am repelled by stubborn insistence on rightness. I could be wrong when talking to someone, or misinterpret what their meaning is, and I am open to discussion and course correction, but INSISTENCE upon NONSENSE makes me a little irritable!
I chuckle a little at recalling my most recent experiences with this kind of strangeness. The spirit of contradiction is very strong in those that refuse to think of themselves as fallible. Do you know anyone like this? They are the ones that have lots of suggestions and ideas on how things, and more specifically, the things YOU DO, could be done better. They are the geniuses that just naturally, intuitively, know better than most stupid folk, and wouldn't you, want to benefit from their limitless wisdom?
I had a friend years ago that imposed non-stop on her children. She commanded them to their ruin. Breaking free from someone, anyone, that sees others as extensions of themselves, rather than individuals with their own rights and privileges tastes and prejudices, is near impossible when there is a power imbalance. The power imbalance favours the one that is in authority, and the weaker member of the two, becomes subjected. Is it any wonder with such selfish malevolence, that children struggle with their own autonomy, their own comprehension and understanding of self, when parents swipe away the child's ability to confidently choose?
What, pray tell, if the parent was wrong in all their judgments and assessments? What becomes of their progeny?
When I consider my relationship with God, I see how godless the secular are. Based on feelings, hopes, and daydreams, many a parent has willy nilly lead their children down the path of perdition. When a child is restricted from learning, and must acquiesce constantly to parental foisting, they become insecure and feel inept, disabled from trusting that they can with effort, acquire skills and master techniques. Being told you are wrong, or there is a better way when perhaps you are on the right track to accomplishment, is cruel and unnecessary tampering with emotional wellness. Countering this may take years of self-analysis, AND a willingness to not self-blame, and perhaps take a close look at the perpetrator and inflictor of insecurity.
The self-blame and self-doubt is what needs to stop: when you finally realize that you have been bullied by someone that supposedly loves you, you have an opportunity to assess their character flaws, sans guilt. You get to see how they worked you over for their own self-aggrandizement, and not for your benefit. You get to finally see who they are, and who you have potential in becoming!
All those ideas you have had all your life, they are super important and fun to explore. All the joy you experience when you think of painting that image you have popping into your head, or sculpting that lump of clay that has yet to take shape, or writing that story you giggle and cry over with all those characters running around in your brain, or that cool looking artisan bread that you cannot wait to braid into perfection... these are life blood inspirations, and you get to do them all! But you must, simply must, cut the puppet strings that someone else attached to you that never belonged in the first place.
When I walk away, I am walking away from argument. When I walk away, I am letting the other person know that I am not going another round in the ring with them. It took me a long time to figure out that I just cannot win an argument with someone, anyone, that refuses to admit they may possibly, as crazy as it may seem to them, be wrong. This character trait is a curse on those that possess it, because they alienate those that would champion them, by contending rather than co-operating.
God, and the godly, will point out what righteousness sounds and looks like. God never imposes his will, although, dear reader, it will be done, no matter what we choose to believe or do with our own lives. God, unlike earthly parents, always judges and assesses righteously, and if only dear one, if only, we lived his precepts, we wouldn't be witnessing en masse, the destruction of humans that ought to have thought for themselves, rather than be lead to their own slaughter by mass murdering manipulators.
The school system, as institutions taken over by demonic forces, have taught our children and their parents before them, to obey without thinking, to ignore reason and good sense, and to capitulate with all that God forbids.
What a bloody shame.
Now, if what you have just read rings true for you, and you can see reflected here, what you have experienced, you get to start taking charge of your own thoughts, recording and assessing your feelings and looking at what formed and shaped you. If you feel as though you were someone else's project, you get to break free, and discover what you were created to do and become.
Whatever gives you that joy joy joy joy, down in your heart, was placed their by God Almighty, and if you have any doubt that it is from him, go to scripture and measure what you are considering against his righteous principles. What you want to do, if it is from him, will never ever harm you or another, in fact, it will bless you both.
Go with God, and you will never regret your choices.
Peace be with you now and always.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end (Jeremiah 29:11)