Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Envy Green

My pool is the bane of my existence. Each year I have learned a bit more about its watery workings. I have spend hundreds, and dare I say, thousands ~ eeck, this is closer to the actual number ~ over this past weird weather summer alone, on chemicals and now services, only to be greeted by a murky viridescent smirk. Is the Loch Ness monster mocking me from the deep end?

My neighbours have crystal clear swimmable salt water pools: Is mine green with envy? The thought has me half grinning. I am not a covetous person, and have always been very grateful for all that I have been blessed with, but my pool seems to have a personality all its own, in fact, it has been featured in my writing before. Today it got flocked ... with a flocculent: the goal is for the gleefully prolific algae to attach itself to the clarifier, and drop dead to the bottom of the pool to be vacuumed up the next day. Hmmmm, the life of a pool is fascinating. 

I rescued a Japanese beetle from the pool recently. I felt sorry for it and gave it back its freedom, but since then, I have killed many a beetle because they were attacking my precious weeping Larch tree ~ a new addition just this year to my backyard gardens. The hairy petite fellow weeps for my tiny Dot, buried near by. The beetles were killing it, and so I had to make a choice, them, or it. It makes me sad to take life but then again, death is cruel and we are all killers, in one way or another, isn't that right, dear reader?

Dogs, beetles, algae ... relationship

Relationship is killed more frequently now than ever before. I wonder about the hidden monsters, the Loch Ness's concealed and camouflaged ... surfacing, then dropping down low again, almost undetectable and imperceptible. Honesty got murdered in the minds and hearts of those that resist and deny God. It is next to impossible to have real relationship without Truth as the clarifier, Truth as the algae killing flocculent. 

As I spend time watching men I do not know demolishing what used to be, building new things, repairing what cannot be replaced, replacing what must be torn out and refitted, I wonder about coverage. I wonder about marriage and forever. I wonder about having to rely on strangers to do for me what ought to have been a role fulfilled by a provider, a man after God's own heart. I see God as my Provider, and I am blessed, but it is the brokenness of a decaying world that has me weep like my green haired Larch. The beetles destroy what is beautiful ... they haven't a care in the world in their conscious-less existence. They munch and breed, and make things ugly where ever they land ... I can think of a few humans that do the same, can you, dear reader?

How very disheartening for me to make a comparison between wicked humans, created by the hand of God in His image, and beetles (also created by His hand) and yet, the similarities or too obvious to ignore. There are people roaming the earth that wake up fixated on what they can do to make others miserable; what they can connive to cause contention; how they can go about making the world hideous.

I noticed skulls on clothing years ago. When I spotted them colourfully dotting children's apparel, alarm bells almost deafened me in their ringing. The father of lies wants us to believe we will never die, while reminding us death is imminent, so that we cling to our now, selling our future for a bag of filthy lucre fools gold. If now is all you and I have, and if there is nothing past it with no great beyond to anticipate and look forward to, then this life rates a green useless pool zero out of ten 0/10.

Thing is, my pool has been flocked, and I suspect it will display differently tomorrow. I hear birds calling, and see winged things flying, and flowers smiling as they reach toward the sun. They are reminders of what is good and right and perfect. God's touch is ever so sweet. When we have a listen, take a gander ... look for Him when it feels as though something is missing, joy returns and smirking pools lose their power to perturb. 

I am grateful for the men that are strangers to me that have been kind, willing, and able, to do the work that needed to be done that I am incapable of. I realize as I draw this writing to a close that once again, I am humbled in the knowledge that no matter how independent each of us wants to be, we must rely on one another in significant and meek ways. 

Relationship can survive, dear reader, but it requires responsibility and investment, with nothing lurking in the shadows or hidden just below the surface. There has to be transparency to clear a path for hearts and minds to wholly, or holy, connect. 

Today I include a picture of Green Envy, the new name for my pool.

Tomorrow I may write about fresh starts and healed hearts: clarified by algae killing Truth. That's tomorrow, and today isn't done ...

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God (Philippians 4:6)

I pray
I supplicate
I thank God
I make requests

Now it is your turn, dear one ... 

Supplicate ... beg earnestly and humbly
Thank God for all His blessings
Request His will in your life, and live it

All will go well with your soul, even when nothing seems to be going quite right in the moment ... God works wonders.

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