Monday, August 14, 2023

Gas Light

The terms gas lit and gaslighting have been popular in modern day vernacular for some time. Spin doctoring, turning the tables, flipping the script, and I will add one of my own just for fun, reverse the curse, are all similar forms of placing blame on an innocent party, for the sake of saving face, protecting reputation, or ensuring a win, on the basis of deception for the gas lighter. Out of curiosity, I checked for GL origins and learned:

"The term "gaslighting" was coined from the 1938 British play called Gas Light, in which a husband manipulates a wife into thinking she is crazy by slyly changing the intensity of the gas lights in their home when she is left alone. He does this in an attempt to make her believe she cannot trust herself or her memory" quoted from the internet. 

● Husband manipulates wife
● Wife starts thinking she is crazy
● Husband is sly
● Wife is left alone to begin process of self-doubt
● Husband does this to make her believe she cannot trust herself or her memory

Here is a line from a movie version of this Gaslight theme:

"Slowly and systematically being driven out of your mind"

Being slowly and systematically driven out of your mind, dear reader, is the greatest achievement and goal for any diabolical, demonically driven, gas lighter. This said, we can differentiate between the grand puba of manipulation ~ otherwise known as Satan ~ and the regular old garden variety, that you and I encounter often in the form of family members, enemies disguised as friends, co-workers, clients, neighbours, bosses etc.  

How do you know when you are in the presence of a gas lighter, or have just been exposed to the technique?

● A, what just happened? feeling of disquiet takes over your thinking
● A replaying of he said she said starts, as you attempt to figure out whether or not you did something wrong
● You feel unsettled and insecure
● The thought of that person makes you uneasy, edgy, and puts you on guard
● You may shake your head and think you are making too much of a small thing
● You think about the encounter, talk about it with people you trust, and may feel guilty too, for being disloyal, and not discussing the issue with the person in question
● You give the manipulator the "benefit of the doubt", and choose to brush it off, avoiding the topic with them and vowing to steer clear of it to avoid confrontation in future
● You may defend the manipulator to yourself and others, excusing them by saying things like: they didn't mean it that way; they don't get it; there's a lot going on in their life ... it isn't like them 

Dear reader, the disquiet, the unsettled, insecure, uneasy, edgy, on guard, self-doubt, are great indicators of exposure to a sly human that considers you convenient prey to toy with. While not all gas lighters are this obvious or self-aware, I suggest many are knowingly this manipulative, because they have within them the desire to be perceived as always right, regardless of whether or not they actually are. 

In the play, and the movie versions of gas lighting, the manipulator had avarice as a motivator. A thief will lie, cheat, and steal, in order to obtain items they covet from the owner. Killing the soul via the mind is the ploy they utilize to escape being held suspect, and in order to evade culpability. If they can drive a person to madness, that crazy person with their nut-so decisions will be at fault, not the gas lighter. 


Once you have been driven out of your mind, dear reader, you will be driven out of your work, your community, your home, your parks and playgrounds, your everything that used to be. Sound familiar? Anyone, hello, anyone care to chime in here?

2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind

Dear one ... you and I were created by God. The spirit of fear is not for us, in fact, the spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind is ours to have, savour, and embrace. Anyone that makes us feel frightened, nervous, weak, hated, belittled, unstable, insecure, or has us mentally disturbed or perturbed, has a spirit that is NOT OF GOD wanting to influence us for one reason or another. 

A gas lighter, a manipulator, a sly person, does not have the best interests of others in mind. I suggest they enjoy their little and often times large, head games, and it behooves a person to take a stand against these ploys of control and command that the liar wants to impose.

Lastly, I ask you if you understand what a vexation to the soul is?

A vex is a hex, dear one. Manipulators cast spells to convenience themselves. Yes, I used the word spells ... witchcraft ... a swap of what is good and true, kind and lovely, for what is vile, crude, dishonest, cruel and ugly ... that is gas lighting and anyone that does it has a blackened heart disinclined to godliness. 

If a person is not of God, then they are of the devil and, allow me to remind you, he hates us. Recall these words when you are being mistreated by a gas lighter ... that person hates you in some form or fashion because they model themselves after Satan. 

Keep them away before they steal all you have, including your mind. 


  1. This was awesome as I really had no idea what gaslighting is! Thanks GG!!!!

  2. Murray!!! Thanks for your comment! LGB

  3. That was a great article about gaslighting!
