Monday, August 7, 2023

Give Me Your Lunch Money

Were you ever bullied in school?

Harassing and haranguing
I recall a ring of mean girls, four of them to be exact. Diana, Vicky, Lisa and Caroline. Two sets of best friends, a foursome that joined forces at recess for the express purpose of harassing and haranguing other little girls to see if they could break them, and make them cry. The small band of witches would select one girl, corner her, and call her any number of vile names, persisting in their cruelty until the bell rang for us to return to class. A crowd would beehive gather to witness the wickedness, and when I look back, I wonder, where were the yard supervisors?

During group recess games with the boys, these mean spirited whisperers always had something derogatory to say, to undermine the confidence of whomever it was they wanted to persecute in their immediate vicinity. I got a nickname of toughie once, because I worked hard at not letting anyone break through the red rover red rover, linked hands line of defence, on my side of the playing field. Hearing the words Toughie, you think you are a toughie, over and over again, grated on me in its pestering until while in line up, I screamed, LEAVE ME ALONE ... but the teacher, our teacher, did nothing to investigate, why a quiet student like me would be crying, and feel the urge to scream such a thing. 

I write with the same feeling I had way back when, dear reader. A mixture of stupefaction and disappointment because bullies are saying and doing things that injure the innocent, while groups of people witness and watch, and do nothing to stop the atrocities; and even CONTRIBUTE TO THEM, by suggesting the bullies, the lunch money thieves, just don't know any better. I have heard this argument one too many times in defence of the politicians that were "duped" into believing some things that the rest of us who are in-the-know, just didn't fall for. Excuses have their uses, but that is all they are, and they do NOT erase culpability and consequences for perpetrators.

I often run the risk of alienating people when they read my writing. I get the impression some may have an opinion of me that is way off base: they might see me the same way they see others, as perhaps agreeable and willing to come to consensus, but nothing could be further from truth. I do not disagree for the sake of it, for the fun of debate or intense conversation ~ this does not appeal to me in the least ~ I disagree with people that play patty cake with truth, white wash lies and liars with a brand of pseudo honesty, and want me to agree to their diluted watered down version of what is reasonable and acceptable. Before you read further, I will be pointed in what I am getting at:

Plotting demise
ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE, that attempted to impose lethal injections (you know exactly which ones I refer to dear reader), committed an offence of violent proportions. People in authority, politicians and pastors, "friends", relatives, bosses or colleagues that pushed poison on others, were work place and home, steal your lunch money bullies. To excuse ANY of them, is to re-victimize those that are currently suffering, and regrettably so, because in their ignorance, they did as they were told, believing veiled and real threats to their well being. The uninformed, once they realize or come to truth, have the opportunity to regret and repent: in contrast, the propagandizers and pushers of poison that plotted the demise of the human race, are blood soaked, and no amount of, Out damn spot, begging and pleading in their insanity, will wash them clean.

Lately, I have taken exception to the suggestion that I see past what has issued out of the mouths of black hearted men and woman. I witness pandering to the rich, famous, and currently popular talking heads, and it sickens me to no end, knowing that very few read their Bibles, very few recognize that God does not forgive and forget the way humans do, and very few realize that we are under His judgment, especially when we defend the wicked and pretend FOR THEM, that they have done no wrong, no harm, or at least, not willingly ... because they were "duped". 

If I break a law and get arrested, even though I did not know I was committing an offense, I will find out quickly what I must never do again. Thieves roam freely, getting away with stealing meagre lunch money from the weak and unprotected: the perpetrators prey and fill, feeding on the vulnerable and ill informed, and all the while, people who should know better, people who ought to be supervising and protecting those that cannot stave off the enemy themselves, turn a blind eye and by doing so, collude with the bullies. 

Trump has stated many times he is worth millions and millions ... he also stated he saved millions and millions of lives when he told people to get injected. People trusted him, heeded his instructions, and are now suffering for it. He is right: he is worth millions and millions in filthy lucre, mercenary blood money. He has not only stolen lunch money, but livelihoods, health, and life too, because this is what is now lost to those that did his bidding when he was their God, I mean president. 

Dear reader, life is invaluable, but not to a paid killer. Life is precious, but to a mercenary that uses and abuses other humans, all they see is dollar signs over heads. It behooves us to see them as they are and not paint a pretty picture to accomodate our unfulfilled desires and dreams.

I am not a dreamy kind of gal. I am nitty gritty and hold fast to the truth that God is our judge, that we must be careful for the company we keep, and we must not give into the secular pull of degrading ourselves by embracing lies and liars that have proven who they are by their previous words and actions. Behaviour, after all, does not lie, so why should you and I? 

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

To end, I challenge you, dear reader, to consider if you are any of these:

● deceived 
● a fornicator - having sex with a person or people you are clearly, not married to
● an idolater - worshipping "gods" other than God the Father, creator of heaven and earth; this can include hero worship of fellow human beings
● an adulterer - having sex, emotionally or physically, even if only in your imagination, with someone other than your spouse
● effeminate - a man acting and dressing in a feminine manner
● abusers of themselves with mankind - homosexuals
● a thief
● covetous - enviously desirous of what others have, wanting it for yourself
● a drunkard 
● reviler - speaking abusively or contemptuously 
● an extortionist - obtaining something through force or violence

If you can be described as one or any number of these, you will not inherit the kingdom of God ... 

The good news, though, dear one, is this:

And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God (1 Corinthians 6:11)

If you acknowledge your sins and confess them before God Almighty, repenting and turning away from your wicked ways to sin no more, you will be washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of Jesus our Lord, by the Spirit of our God! 

If you feel wrongly accused via what you have read, don't be offended by me. I am nothing and no one. I am just a person with my own point of view that could very well be flawed and misguided. This said, I can only tell you to do as I do, when I want the Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help me God: I go to the Bible! 

The Author of life is waiting for you there to learn more about Him and how He handles people and the situations they find themselves in. He already knows YOU, it is your responsibility to get to know HIM. Tarry not, go there now, or later today, but please do go. There is a day of judgment fast approaching and we do not know when that day will come, so we must be ready for it:

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment (Matthew 12:36)

You certainly don't want to be on the wrong side of history, now do you?


  1. I check several of those “boxes.” I will ask God everyday to forgive me, and help me to be better in all my days ahead.

  2. What a lovely lovely confession: may God grant what you pray fervently for dear reader

    Yours in Christ,

    Linda Grace Byers

  3. Thanks! Hopefully with prayers and faith, God will help guide me to get my ass straitened out.

    1. Faithful praying goes a long way with God! LGB
