Saturday, August 26, 2023

It Can't Be True

What do you get when mercenaries put on uniforms and drive cars with sirens and lights blaring and glaring, and weapons easily made available for their indiscriminate usage? 

Murder, dear reader, you get murder in Maui.

What about men and women in scrubs, washed and ready to tell patients they have an aggressive cancer that requires chemotherapy to do ... what to them? pray tell. 

Murder, dear reader, you get murder in _________________: you fill in the location.

How about those educators you entrust your tinies to each September to the end of June, or whatever the school year looks like for you. Or your young adult sent off to college or university to be indoctrinated by God and human hating nihilistic pretend evolutionists, that want to wipe out truth and have children become empty and devoid of rational thought and soulful discovery. What do you get?

Murder, dear reader, you get murder of the mind, the heart, the spirit of the young.

● Do you hear it?
● Do you see it?
● Do you sense the darkness and understand what is happening?

● What about your loved ones? Have you lost anyone suddenly, unexpectedly, yet? 
● Does anyone you know have rapid onset of extreme illness? 
● What about you, how are you doing?

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed (Romans 13:11)

The extreme wake up call we are witnessing is alarming: we cannot hit snooze and catch a couple more zzz. We cannot turn the alarm down or throw it at the wall to silence it. We cannot ignore the alarm because it sounds constantly, and putting our hands over our ears to block out the shrillness is to block out the sounds of suffering. Humans are suffering and to not hear, is near impossible ... in other words, one must try really hard in their pretending and go into a complete fugue state, in order to convince themselves that nothing abnormal is happening, and all is as it ought to be.

For those that did not believe there are evil demonized humans hell bent on killing you, me, and our children, I sure do hope you see it now. If you still do not, you are perilously perched on the precipice. You do not see or hear or know:

● knowing the time
● that now it is high time to
● awake out of sleep
● for now is our salvation
● nearer than when we believed

And this is our current state of existence, with some in the know and some believing they are but being completely and utterly deceived. It appears that for some, it is only in desperation that they begin to piece together what they have witnessed and start to make sense of it. It is the old, Well it hasn't happened to me, so it can't be true, phenomenon.  

My father used to say:

An intelligent person learns from the mistakes of others; A smart person learns from their own and, A stupid person never learns.

Unfortunately I fall into category number two. As an experiential learner, I have found out the hard way what I should NOT have done, and who I should NOT have trusted. But I do believe as I age, I am moving into the intelligent categorization. I observe before I act far more now, and reducing my impetuosity quotient serves me well. Self-analysis and feed back from people I trust has been helpful, albeit a little stingy at times. It is necessary to have honest people in our lives that care enough about us to speak truth so we can become better human beings, wouldn't you agree? 

● What about you? Which category do you see yourself in? 
● Intelligent, smart, or stupid?

Seem too simplistic? Perhaps, but this is the easy way of describing what you and I are seeing. If you have patterns in your life that lead you to a ground hog repeat of a repeat kind of life, then perhaps you need to take a look at your habits and inclinations toward self-deception and denial of truth. Chances are very, very good, that the lies you have told yourself and consequently, others, are the ones that have caused you, and again, consequently others, the most harm. 

Do you say, It can't be true, dear reader? If so, I ask you: What can't you face? and, How come?

Whether we like it or not, reality doesn't change based on our desire to deny it. Mercenaries are calling the shots, literally, and if you cannot hear the alarms going off all around you, I fear for your eternal soul. 

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed (Romans 13:11)

NOTE: Police blocked the only exit to safety for the people trying to escape fire burning all around them in Maui. The Bible speaks of the times we are living in. It is wise to search the wisdom God has generously given us in His Word. 

End times prophecy is being fulfilled in our life-time 


  1. Oh Linda. We know all of this insanity goes much deeper. It is after all part of the luciferian plan. Check out the name John Pelletier. He was the incident commander in Las Vegas during the shooting at the country music festival and was now the police chief in Lahaina during the very suspicious fires that have may have been deliberate where the police prevented people from entering to rescue family and also prevented some from leaving only to be burned to death. Then you nailed it again with your comments on the CV19 PLANDEMIC and the public indoctrination system aka schools???? Awesome. I love that we are part of the end times and get to witness all of this evil which means we will probably be the generation to be caught up in the clouds to meet Jesus. What an amazing privilege. We know God won't put up with this much longer. So get ready.

    1. Alex Jones does a most excellent job of letting us all know EXACTLY what is going on … the wicked ones arrogantly flaunt their debauchery and it is heart sickening to witness the destruction of flora, fauna, and of course, humans.

      Absolutely heart rending Bob … being steadfast in our faith sustains us, Praise be to God and all glory to Him through Christ our Lord

      Yours in writing and Christ, thanks for this sharing, LGB

  2. That's awesome you like Alex too. He sure has a way with putting the truth out there. I wish he was a believer. He may be but sometimes I wonder.

  3. I’m one of them there deceived sheep, and I’m happy! Are you happy? Doesn’t sound like it.

    1. Dude, take your rude else where.

    2. Who you calling rude, dude?

  4. YOU! I’m calling you one rude A-Hole!

  5. Can’t you read! I’m a happy Sheep!

  6. Wow Linda. Looks like satan has some of his minions reading your blog. That's awesome. Shows you're making a difference. God Bless you.

    1. I am hopeful that people move in the direction of knowing the love of God BG!!!
