WARNING: there is a swear word in the picture I have used in this piece of writing. It speaks to the vulgarity that is so common in our public communications, and a degrading of decency; an unfortunate sign of the times.
Mia Culpa, MIA CULPA
Last night I spent some time perusing thecovidblog.com. I discovered a nuance, where those that have been injected, without realizing what has happened, begin to assume the responsibility for being justifiably, murdered. This is a corruption of thought, a sick way of thinking, because Biblically speaking, life is our greatest God given gift, and the urge to sustain life is a vital force inside each of us, unless of course, we are subject to satanic lies and attack.
Innocent blood
I think of Judas Iscariot, that infamous man who stated: I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood (Matthew 27:4). Rather than face the music of responsibility and live with his shame and guilt, and ask God to forgive him, he took his own life by hanging. Something similar is happening: it would appear that self hate over unrepentant sin, is causing those that are perishing to make statements that are very reminiscent of an abuse victim... however, sometimes the people making these end of life disparaging and self directed degrading comments, have been the abusers, and instead of saying they are terribly, terribly sorry, for mistreating those they purportedly love, they believe they are getting what they deserve, including being exterminated.
Spiritual attack
This is what happens when we put our faith and trust in ourselves and man: we become misguided self appointed judges and juries. The woman that helped me see the multi-dimensional spiritual attack on the unrepentant, was famous, was vicious, was selfishly indulgent, and a public adulteress. She gave herself full permission to do and say whatever she wanted, airing her dirty laundry in the most repugnant and disturbing ways, at the expense of her husband and her own reputation. Not the least of her errors in judgment, came during her end of life attacks on those of us that chose not to be injected with poison. She made it clear how idiotic people like us are, according to her assessments, and unfortunately for her, she is no longer here to make amends for her unjustifiably malicious attacks on perfect strangers.
Something hideous happening
My point, you ask? My point is that there is something hideous happening in souls. There is a cruelty that has been indulged, and then, when the person is breaking down, when they are helplessly terminally ill, and in need of comfort the most, they have not God. They don't have anyone by their side telling them that sin is the killer; sin murders the soul firstly, and then the body... sin is what they must repent from, and it is Jesus Christ that can and will, forgive them when they confess and beg for a second chance, or perhaps a hundredth one, to honour and glorify Him as their King. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to go to hell, except for the pride that keeps them from acknowledging that they need God to cure them of their spiritual darkness, and renew them according to His commands.
Put your house in order
Life has a way of humbling us, even when we think we are at the "top of our game", untouchable, and able to do and say whatever we like with impunity. Being blindsided by illness and imminent death, or at the very least, seeing this happening to others all around us, ought to make us take notice, and realize, our turn may very well be around the corner (I don't want this to be a self fulfilling prophecy... pray for me, dear reader: I sure hope God isn't done with me yet!), and we must put our own houses in order before our Maker plucks us from this heathen filled land of the living.
In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live (2 Kings 20:1)
Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness (Colossians 3:12-14)
NOTE: Hezekiah was given a reprieve and granted an extension on his life because he asked God for one! God wants none to perish, and when we do, He wants us to go to Him... He truly is, long-suffering, and the God of mercy.
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