Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Why, this is an outrage! 

I grin as I type, because the paid publicists are doing a marvellous job of fomenting, a word I have longed to use in my writing, defined as: instigate or stir up; an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action. 

In other words, the "haves" want the "have nots", to foam and froth, instigating emotional states including indignation, resentment, disgust, disapproval, all while watching the "haves" laughing and eating, plotting and planning, the demise of the "have nots". What the wicked are tapping into is age old: they know that emotions colour thinking, and that psychologically, humans become incapacitated when clarity of thought is impaired. 

Anger aftermath
Case in point. Have you ever lost your temper and in a rage, did or said something that you can't recall in the aftermath, when you have returned to a state of calm? I have, much to my alarm, shock, and sometimes shame. What I think is currently happening, is all the people that haven't been tricked, hoaxed, duped; all the people that see what is happening, are now the target, the people of interest to the perpetrators. They want us mad, they want us losing our temper and behaving badly, so they can point their cameras in our direction and say "See! We told you the people that didn't vacSINnate are crazy, narcissistic, lying, c🥸nspiracy the😜rists that need to be muzzled and contained; they are a danger, a hazard to peaceful society!"

Flamboyant flaunting 
Today I took a screen shot of the lavish dining arrangements for those that have grown their bank accounts and bellies via ill gotten gains. The filthy rich, as in filthy lucre wealthy, have taken to immodest flamboyant flaunting of their lifestyle, much to the chagrin and irritation of the few that know exactly how they have accomplished their current state of ecstatic elevation. When we consider the populace, and the fact that the vast majority of humans (just under seventy percent of the population according to one statistic) have been injected with lethal toxins and life altering technology, we realize that leaves around thirty percent of us in the know people, that would not buy the BSery, and refused the shots. This said, I point to the fact that statistically again (and I am open to correction on the percentages), the ill gotten gains wealthy, only make up one percent of the population. To summarize:
  • The injected = approximately 68% of the global population
  • The injection free = just over 30% of the global population
  • The filthy rich = 1% of population, and clearly, they did NOT take injections meant to maim, kill, destroy those that are OVERPOPULATING their globe 
NOTE: stealing property doesn't make you a land owner; killing people to take what they have doesn't increase personal net worth, it just means you are a murderer

Pandering to humans
I have had you meandering with me through my mental processes, to get to this point. The plotters and planners are behaving outrageously, I agree. They prance and party as though they are the privileged, and THAT, dear reader, is the hook and crook of the problem! Pandering to humans is demeaning, disgusting, dehumanizing, and demoralizing... DE-MORAL, taking morals right out of the equation. Obsequiousness is a curse, it is the reason so many people say yes to what will cause them harm, when what they ought to say is NO, NEVER, I will NOT compromise my integrity no matter the cost, no matter what I will lose. I will NOT give up my soul, for you, him, her, or any other human being. NO! 

Moral character
It is obsequiousness that has served the wicked, the heads of the innocent on silver platters. Out of a desire to please those that are perceived to have power over us, many a human has given in to someone else's unholy demands. John the Baptist literally lost his head, because a weak willed man couldn't say no to a devious woman that sought revenge against a truthful, stedfast man of outstanding moral character (read Matthew 14:1-12 for the full account).

So, dear reader, I will make my major point here, about the obsequious and their role in our current state of catastrophic human demise, by quoting myself! The following is a comment I made in response to the posting of the picture included in this writing:

"Thing is, they have lots of willing servants that wait on them hand and foot. We can blame the goose liver gobblers, BUT we have to take a look at the willing people that dish the fish or plate the pate... they are the injected that fall at the feet of those pseudo humans. The cooks, the guards, the servers, the secret service... they are dirt under the nails of the high end food consumers, and they haven't a clue that the eaters want them ☠️?

Let's distribute the accountability far and wide, shall we? Suits are being sown and pressed, faces and hair are being dressed, and all by professionals that make the wicked look good on camera. 

And the camera and sound people, happily spectating and sharing what they witness day in day out... Hmmmm, it takes a village to raise a villain" (end self quote).

Dear reader:
  • Are you obsequious? 
  • Are you a butt kisser for cash? 
  • Do you willingly compromise your integrity in order to collect a paycheque? 
I am not accusing you of anything, I am merely asking you to consider your contributions to the catastrophic cause. Each person is accountable for impact, and while the wicked publicly play their reindeer games, seemingly without any repercussions for their vile acts, they are being aided and abetted by people that are on the outside of the killer circle, looking in. The wicked have creature comforts afforded them by minimum wage sheet changers, waiters, pot washers, and shoe polishers. 

So, that leaves you and I accountable, once again, as always. If it takes a village to raise a villain, then it follows, that it takes a village to morally model character that will not be compromised for cash. How we earn our money is a major indicator of our moral fibre. Money is energetically charged: its use is godly, or damning. 

Need I say more? 

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