Monday, November 21, 2022

Deadly Employer

Satan is an equal opportunity killer...
Satan lies, steals, maims, destroys, murders
Satan amuses himself with the destruction of humans

What makes anyone think serving him will give them job security?

The news, even the free speech news reporters, are having a free for all, meaning censorship issues are currently on ice, while the population shares, re-shares, and distributes broadly, the images and videos of horrors happening to humanity, as people drop dead all over the darn place. Then there are the devastating cases of those that have uncontrollable continual body tremors, or excruciating perpetual pain that drugs can't seem to get close enough to even touch. We know what is happening, and the injected have their suspicions, even if they aren't willing to voice them, yet. 

Note, that the Simpson's engaged in predictive programming, seemingly prophesying our future but alas, the cartoonists were merely telling us what to anticipate. 

Now let's return to Satan, shall we? 

If your employer happens to be the devil of devils, then you can count on committing heinous crimes against your fellow man as a condition of your employment. If your employers mission is to kill, then anyone on his payroll, will be required to lie, steal, maim, destroy, and murder, in the normal course of a days work. That about sums up what we are seeing, what we are hearing, what we know is happening all around us.

Murderers aren't inclined to compassion: a mercenary doesn't say, "Well THAT was a wicked way to make this bundle of cash"... they feel no fear, no pain, no worry about what they must do to line their pockets. It doesn't bother them one bit to mislead, misrepresent, steal candy from babies, or strangle them the moment they exit the womb. It is that dark and dastardly, dear reader, and yet, people continue to play patty cake with assassins that have committed their lives to doing the devils bidding! 

The murderers are fodder for hell fire. They aren't the privileged, the accomplished, the enviable high achievers at the height of actualized potential... they are wood chips, kindling, compost, twigs, leaves, scraps of paper with blasphemer scratched and sketched in squiggly blood overtop their names. They are the here today, gone tomorrow crew that will meet their Maker, and wish they could escape, but alas, this will not be permitted them. 

People are trying their best to combat the onslaught, and stop the carnage. They are, and yet, it would appear that the hands of those closest to the murderers, are stilled, making them murderous too. Dear reader, if we are not working toward the saving of souls, then, well... what are we working toward, pray tell?

What are we, what are you, what am I, working toward? 

There are some that simply do not want to be saved
There are some that simply like their deadly employer
There are some that haven't a clue, that what we do today, impacts our eternity
There are some that work for the devil willingly, and believe that by serving him, they will gain status via a hierarchical standing with Satan

Fools. They are, as I said before, fodder for hell fire. They have gleaned from this life, the rewards of the wicked, at the expense of the vulnerable, the unsuspecting, and the innocent. I don't even want to imagine what awaits them in the after life. 

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