Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Apropos & Timely

Dear reader, I could not help but feel this psalm as I read it. The Bible is one of the strangest books of all: it is timeless, and this is helpful to keep in mind, since what we experience as individuals and collectively, has happened to those that have gone before us. This psalm is apropos and timely, and I hope it is a source of comfort for you, knowing you can pray as king David did, when evil seems to prevail, and justice appears to be on permanent vacation. 

NOTE: I quote from the NIV, for simplicities sake

Psalm 58 For the choir director: A psalm of David, to be sung to the tune "Do Not Destroy"

Justice --- do you rulers know the meaning of the word?
  Do you judge the people fairly?
No! you plot injustice in your hearts.
  You spread violence throughout the land.
These wicked people are born sinners;
  even from birth they have lied and gone their own way.
They spit venom like deadly snakes;
  they are like cobras that refuse to listen,
ignoring the tunes of the snake charmers,
  no matter how skillfully they play.

Break off their fangs, O God!
  Smash the jaws of these lions, O LORD!
May they disappear like water into thirsty ground.
  Make their weapons useless in their hands.
May they be like snails that dissolve into slime,
  like a stillborn child who will never see the sun. 
God will sweep them away, both young and old, 
 faster than a pot heats over burning thorns.

The godly will rejoice when they see injustice avenged.
  They will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked. 
Then at last everyone will say,

"There truly is a reward for those 
  who live for God; surely there is a God
     who judges justly here on earth."

When I read how honestly the writer communicates with God, I realize that even when I feel vengeful toward the wicked, it is not out of a desire to destroy them, it comes from a burning desire to stop them from hurting others. The damage that has purposefully been accomplished world wide is catastrophic and continuous. In the news via tiny video clips and captured images, we see the wicked posing, posturing, pretending, and perpetually perpetrating, and it can drive a person to distraction. 

I find it comical when I read that we should be further along as evolved humans, learning from histories mistakes and missteps. Each idiotic generation is filled with those that want to become loving humans, and those born to become self-absorbed haters of humanity. It's the old, good vs evil theme played out in each life, and impacting all of those in our vicinity. We have impact, dear reader: when rulers are unjust, when they judge unfairly, when they work for team Satan, we end up where we are now, and it ain't the first time.

We have impact, dear reader: the rulers can do as they will, with some being strategically placed by God, and others doing what the enemy of their souls bids them do... but as helpless as you and I may feel at times, we have impact!

It doesn't really matter what other people are doing, does it? You too, have been strategically placed. God knows EXACTLY what He is doing at all times, and He has His eyes on you! 
  • What are you doing to make a difference in this world? 
  • How are you using your impact and influence to edify others? 
  • How are you praying to God?
I know the Bible as a manual for life. As I stated above, it is one of the strangest books of all, and I add, in its wonderfulness. When my prayers seem odd and ineffective, or I doubt that they are remotely close to being holy, I know I can go there, and read out loud, what has been prayed long before my time on earth. The echo of hearts and minds attuning to God's will, reverberate through the generations, and I feel the oneness with my brethren, the Body of Christ, when speaking a psalm, a proverb, or reading the gospels. That is the point of the Bible: God relating to man, having a relationship with the Sovereign, sharing our hopes, our fears, our doubts, our hurt, and our desire to have Him make things right, just, fair, and holy. 

Since God is love, it only makes sense that we go to Him when the world is wonky and makes no sense at all, to those of us that see the massive corruption and corrosion in all directions. God is the only righteous judge, and those that know Him, feel His love, no matter the circumstances:

And we have known and believed the love that God hath for us. 
God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, 
and God in him (1 John 4:16)

Do you, dwelleth in the love of God, dear one? 

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