Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Cognitively Confusing

When my son had a concussion after getting hit in the back of the head at close range with a soccer ball, kicked by the goalie, my former husband and I drove him in his delirium to emergency. The triage process had him in an examination bed almost immediately: next we waited to be seen by a doctor. A nurse did all she could to serve my son, including trying to insert an IV for some reason, and she botched this badly; perhaps in her nervousness she was afraid to hurt him, and this made her attempts futile as he was poked several times, without success. 

My son mumbled answers to questions, revealing his muddled thinking, and his jumbled state of injured mind. His brain was malfunctioning, and there wasn't much for us to do to fix it... until there was. In a moment of quiet, with the curtain drawn around us, I hovered my hand a mere half inch from his head. In an instant, my brain went into a scrambled static, like an old fashioned buzzing end of the night TV screen, that no longer picks up signs that make sense. I could feel the mental mixed up confusion, and while I kept my hand in hover position, I picked up a throbbing sensation: I began to pray in earnest. Within a short period of time, he became coherent, answering basic questions correctly. He had a headache, but he was well enough to leave emergency. 

Dear reader, I share this story because of my experience, the one where I was picking up what his brain was emitting. That left a lasting impression upon me, and I can see us still in my minds eye, me sitting there with him lying injured, as though I am an observer, watching a scene from the sidelines. We are connected, he and I, and always have been... and we are connected, you and I, and always, have... been. 

I am again, watching from the sidelines, and my brain has been scrambled. Yesterday I went shopping and I felt it, that mental mix up. It was an effort for me to keep my eyes focused, to keep them from moving oddly in my head. I did my best to behave normally, to get through the oddity, and get out from the different stores quickly. This has happened to me before, and I know exactly what is going on. It, dear reader, is a spell. I was feeling concussed from a spell cast over the people that believe a lie. 

When we were in illegal lock us into submission last year, I did not do what most people did. I didn't wear a thing on strings over my breathing holes, otherwise known as my nose and mouth, but that doesn't mean I was not impacted by the circumstances. After going into a store and being visually assaulted by seeing people in masks all around me, my brain was shaken, not stirred. I got dizzy, had to focus to get my shopping task accomplished, and felt discombobulated as I made my way to my car, where my son was waiting. I told him how I felt and he said "It's a spell mum." That simple, it's a spell... 

Many are under a spell that has been cast over the masses. But, dear reader, we are connected. We feel each other, and pick up what is emitted. There is something seriously wrong with a person that thinks wearing a mask is at all normal, acceptable, worth while, trendy (designer face apparel), excusable... it isn't, never has been, never will be. Seeing this strangeness violates my spirit, because all I see is the degradation of other human beings, and all I can think of is, do they know they are living someone else's demeaning, murderous plan, willingly? 

This cooked spaghetti in the brain googly eyed muddled feeling I had occurred in some stores and not in others... but I must say, that each time I speak playfully or cordially with someone in a mask, I feel like a fake and a fraud, not because I am insincere! I like people and love interacting... that hasn't changed. It is this: there is something between us, something they have chosen to put there, and they have no idea how it impacts those of us that see through the fraud to the other sinister side, of injury, pain, and death, via unrepentant sin. It is a sin to wear a mask. That simple, it is a sin...

And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of the prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth (Revelation 18: 21-24)

Dear reader, I don't want to become accustomed to obvious sin. I don't want to agree that wearing a mask is normal and acceptable. I don't want to have visual reminders, that some, in fact many, are damning themselves because they have acclimated to the beast system, without fussing over or fighting, what is cognitively confusing and clearly, abnormal. I just don't want to take part in any of it, and when I am in the midst, and have to carry on as though I don't see it, and I don't feel it, it does something to me emotionally, spiritually, and clearly, physiologically. 

While I appreciate mask free faces, they were a rarity when demands were placed on us by wicked mode-rna day Babylonians, to wear them. The majority of people complied, and I have considerable doubt about the courage required to not comply again. 

So, dear one, I ask you, with all seriousness... are we connected? 

  • Do you feel this too? 
  • How do you want others to feel after seeing you, sensing you, picking up what you are emitting?

Dear reader, if you want to love your neighbour as yourself:

  • Is it important to you after others have been exposed to you, that they leave feeling well and edified? 
  • Would it disturb you to know that after seeing you, talking to you, being in your presence, others would prefer to get away from you as fast as they can, because you make them feel emotionally, spiritually, and physically ill? 
Am I trying to shame you into committing to be mask free with this next round of illegal Babylonian activities? Perhaps I am, but isn't this precisely what "they" have done to the global population, much to our collective detriment? Do you, dear one, have enough proof yet, that going along to get along has got us backed into a hard to get out of corner, as the collective?

You and I have two options, and only two:

1 Live under the spell
2 Be willing to die rather than commit to the lie

It is that, simple


  1. Thanks yup, me too... good to know I'm not alone, LGByers

  2. Continue the writing LGB! Keep sharing the beauty of your soul, the beauty of your mind and the beauty of your heart. You are reaching and touching many!


  3. So it is you RoBEAR! Thanks for the encouragement 💖 LGraceB

  4. 😉👍💪🏻🙏🔥

  5. The only comment that was mine was the one that said continue writing….

  6. Mic. Drop.👏🏻👏🏻🔥🔥

  7. Thanks Mic.Drop... I appreciate the visual! LGB
