Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Pandering to Pandora

..... releasing physical and emotional curses upon mankind 

Dear reader, we are experiencing what has been released upon mankind in the form of physical, emotional, and spiritual, curses. Using alliteration in my title, is my attempt at suggesting, whoever Pandora is or was, we have to stop pandering to her, because we are suffering the backlash of giving into her allure (look up Pandora's box for yourself... I am introducing a suggestion I will develop, that doesn't lean too heavily on that story).

To pander is defined as: gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire or taste or a person with such a desire or taste; a person who assists the immoral desires or evil designs of others; a pimp

I will piece together my thoughts and my hope, is to convince you to engage in mortal battle of epic spiritual proportions. The fight for the salvation of souls is ON, and you and I must take a stand, to clear the smoke, smash the mirrors, and remove encrusted dirt that is coating eyes, clogging ears, and hardening hearts. I will ask you to do what I am doing, dear one, and here it is:

1. Refuse to be served by masked people. When at the grocery store, bank, or other places that you exchange money with an employee, pick a lane with a cashier that wears a smile that you can see, or a frown that you can identify... in other words, avoid the cashiers with things on strings clinging to their faces.

2. Only go to restaurants where the staff are free from facial gear. If some servers are wearing the unfortunate ugly item, ask to be seated at a table where the waiter or waitress is free to beam their bright whites your way. Whoever serves you will get your tip, and you will have the satisfaction of interacting with a normal human being that isn't afraid of you.

3. Compliment people on their smile, their shirt, their tie, their shoes, their SOMETHING, and let them know you appreciate them. 

4. Steer clear of people in facial equipment. They are sending a message that you are dangerous to them. You send a message too, that you are uncomfortable dealing with, communicating with, hanging out with, a person that is frightened of other people.

5. Pray for those that continue to inhale their own exhale. They are depriving themselves of oxygen, and this affects their capacity to think clearly, putting everyone at risk, especially if the person wears material over their breathing holes while driving. A car accident is a terrible thing with long term affects for those impacted. Innocent bystanders or fellow road warriors, could suffer collateral damage at the wheel, if they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

Worth my while
Today I had lunch with a new friend. Originally, we planned on going to a Thai restaurant, but then I remembered my commitment from a couple of weeks ago, to not spend my money, or compromise my integrity, being served by masked men and woman. The masks are inhumane, and I find them insulting. Yes, you read that correctly, I have destain for what they do to two who are meant to communicate. I don't just go out to eat because I am hungry, I go to have an experience, create a memory, and come away with the feeling that my time, my money, and even my efforts to get dressed up to be out in public, are worth my while. A server has impact and people in masks are letting their customers know, that they are dirty and dangerous: quite simply, I find that message disturbing.


It must stop, all of it. I say this knowing that not everyone thinks so, nor will they suddenly snap out of their mental stupor, physical bondage, or spiritual lassoing. I cannot cut the strings for them, or suggest that they breath freely again, but I sure can avoid them like they are the plague, because, dear one, they are. They are the plague. They have brought us (the for heavens sake NO crowd) kicking and screaming with them into their hellish little world of deprived, fear drenched, despairing complacency with wickedness. I do not live in fear, and I refuse to indulge the deranged that do...

Mortal battle
Dear reader... I ask you to do the same. I ask you to resist pandering to the lowest common dominator, the thinly veiled spirit of fear under freakish facial garb. Recall that I invited you to a mortal battle of epic spiritual proportions. If you and I forget to remember what freedom looks, sounds, and acts like, then we will slip into the snare with the already trapped, contributing to the downfall of mankind with our own brand of emotional, spiritual, and even physical laziness.

I NEVER want to be accused of being lazy. How about you? 

To steal a couple of slogans from the enemy, do your part, we are all in this together. 


  1. Such wisdom as always Linda


    1. That is a huge compliment, thank you so much. Yours in Christ, LGB
