Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Pandering to Pandora

..... releasing physical and emotional curses upon mankind 

Dear reader, we are experiencing what has been released upon mankind in the form of physical, emotional, and spiritual, curses. Using alliteration in my title, is my attempt at suggesting, whoever Pandora is or was, we have to stop pandering to her, because we are suffering the backlash of giving into her allure (look up Pandora's box for yourself... I am introducing a suggestion I will develop, that doesn't lean too heavily on that story).

To pander is defined as: gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire or taste or a person with such a desire or taste; a person who assists the immoral desires or evil designs of others; a pimp

I will piece together my thoughts and my hope, is to convince you to engage in mortal battle of epic spiritual proportions. The fight for the salvation of souls is ON, and you and I must take a stand, to clear the smoke, smash the mirrors, and remove encrusted dirt that is coating eyes, clogging ears, and hardening hearts. I will ask you to do what I am doing, dear one, and here it is:

1. Refuse to be served by masked people. When at the grocery store, bank, or other places that you exchange money with an employee, pick a lane with a cashier that wears a smile that you can see, or a frown that you can identify... in other words, avoid the cashiers with things on strings clinging to their faces.

2. Only go to restaurants where the staff are free from facial gear. If some servers are wearing the unfortunate ugly item, ask to be seated at a table where the waiter or waitress is free to beam their bright whites your way. Whoever serves you will get your tip, and you will have the satisfaction of interacting with a normal human being that isn't afraid of you.

3. Compliment people on their smile, their shirt, their tie, their shoes, their SOMETHING, and let them know you appreciate them. 

4. Steer clear of people in facial equipment. They are sending a message that you are dangerous to them. You send a message too, that you are uncomfortable dealing with, communicating with, hanging out with, a person that is frightened of other people.

5. Pray for those that continue to inhale their own exhale. They are depriving themselves of oxygen, and this affects their capacity to think clearly, putting everyone at risk, especially if the person wears material over their breathing holes while driving. A car accident is a terrible thing with long term affects for those impacted. Innocent bystanders or fellow road warriors, could suffer collateral damage at the wheel, if they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

Worth my while
Today I had lunch with a new friend. Originally, we planned on going to a Thai restaurant, but then I remembered my commitment from a couple of weeks ago, to not spend my money, or compromise my integrity, being served by masked men and woman. The masks are inhumane, and I find them insulting. Yes, you read that correctly, I have destain for what they do to two who are meant to communicate. I don't just go out to eat because I am hungry, I go to have an experience, create a memory, and come away with the feeling that my time, my money, and even my efforts to get dressed up to be out in public, are worth my while. A server has impact and people in masks are letting their customers know, that they are dirty and dangerous: quite simply, I find that message disturbing.


It must stop, all of it. I say this knowing that not everyone thinks so, nor will they suddenly snap out of their mental stupor, physical bondage, or spiritual lassoing. I cannot cut the strings for them, or suggest that they breath freely again, but I sure can avoid them like they are the plague, because, dear one, they are. They are the plague. They have brought us (the for heavens sake NO crowd) kicking and screaming with them into their hellish little world of deprived, fear drenched, despairing complacency with wickedness. I do not live in fear, and I refuse to indulge the deranged that do...

Mortal battle
Dear reader... I ask you to do the same. I ask you to resist pandering to the lowest common dominator, the thinly veiled spirit of fear under freakish facial garb. Recall that I invited you to a mortal battle of epic spiritual proportions. If you and I forget to remember what freedom looks, sounds, and acts like, then we will slip into the snare with the already trapped, contributing to the downfall of mankind with our own brand of emotional, spiritual, and even physical laziness.

I NEVER want to be accused of being lazy. How about you? 

To steal a couple of slogans from the enemy, do your part, we are all in this together. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Why, this is an outrage! 

I grin as I type, because the paid publicists are doing a marvellous job of fomenting, a word I have longed to use in my writing, defined as: instigate or stir up; an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action. 

In other words, the "haves" want the "have nots", to foam and froth, instigating emotional states including indignation, resentment, disgust, disapproval, all while watching the "haves" laughing and eating, plotting and planning, the demise of the "have nots". What the wicked are tapping into is age old: they know that emotions colour thinking, and that psychologically, humans become incapacitated when clarity of thought is impaired. 

Anger aftermath
Case in point. Have you ever lost your temper and in a rage, did or said something that you can't recall in the aftermath, when you have returned to a state of calm? I have, much to my alarm, shock, and sometimes shame. What I think is currently happening, is all the people that haven't been tricked, hoaxed, duped; all the people that see what is happening, are now the target, the people of interest to the perpetrators. They want us mad, they want us losing our temper and behaving badly, so they can point their cameras in our direction and say "See! We told you the people that didn't vacSINnate are crazy, narcissistic, lying, c🥸nspiracy the😜rists that need to be muzzled and contained; they are a danger, a hazard to peaceful society!"

Flamboyant flaunting 
Today I took a screen shot of the lavish dining arrangements for those that have grown their bank accounts and bellies via ill gotten gains. The filthy rich, as in filthy lucre wealthy, have taken to immodest flamboyant flaunting of their lifestyle, much to the chagrin and irritation of the few that know exactly how they have accomplished their current state of ecstatic elevation. When we consider the populace, and the fact that the vast majority of humans (just under seventy percent of the population according to one statistic) have been injected with lethal toxins and life altering technology, we realize that leaves around thirty percent of us in the know people, that would not buy the BSery, and refused the shots. This said, I point to the fact that statistically again (and I am open to correction on the percentages), the ill gotten gains wealthy, only make up one percent of the population. To summarize:
  • The injected = approximately 68% of the global population
  • The injection free = just over 30% of the global population
  • The filthy rich = 1% of population, and clearly, they did NOT take injections meant to maim, kill, destroy those that are OVERPOPULATING their globe 
NOTE: stealing property doesn't make you a land owner; killing people to take what they have doesn't increase personal net worth, it just means you are a murderer

Pandering to humans
I have had you meandering with me through my mental processes, to get to this point. The plotters and planners are behaving outrageously, I agree. They prance and party as though they are the privileged, and THAT, dear reader, is the hook and crook of the problem! Pandering to humans is demeaning, disgusting, dehumanizing, and demoralizing... DE-MORAL, taking morals right out of the equation. Obsequiousness is a curse, it is the reason so many people say yes to what will cause them harm, when what they ought to say is NO, NEVER, I will NOT compromise my integrity no matter the cost, no matter what I will lose. I will NOT give up my soul, for you, him, her, or any other human being. NO! 

Moral character
It is obsequiousness that has served the wicked, the heads of the innocent on silver platters. Out of a desire to please those that are perceived to have power over us, many a human has given in to someone else's unholy demands. John the Baptist literally lost his head, because a weak willed man couldn't say no to a devious woman that sought revenge against a truthful, stedfast man of outstanding moral character (read Matthew 14:1-12 for the full account).

So, dear reader, I will make my major point here, about the obsequious and their role in our current state of catastrophic human demise, by quoting myself! The following is a comment I made in response to the posting of the picture included in this writing:

"Thing is, they have lots of willing servants that wait on them hand and foot. We can blame the goose liver gobblers, BUT we have to take a look at the willing people that dish the fish or plate the pate... they are the injected that fall at the feet of those pseudo humans. The cooks, the guards, the servers, the secret service... they are dirt under the nails of the high end food consumers, and they haven't a clue that the eaters want them ☠️?

Let's distribute the accountability far and wide, shall we? Suits are being sown and pressed, faces and hair are being dressed, and all by professionals that make the wicked look good on camera. 

And the camera and sound people, happily spectating and sharing what they witness day in day out... Hmmmm, it takes a village to raise a villain" (end self quote).

Dear reader:
  • Are you obsequious? 
  • Are you a butt kisser for cash? 
  • Do you willingly compromise your integrity in order to collect a paycheque? 
I am not accusing you of anything, I am merely asking you to consider your contributions to the catastrophic cause. Each person is accountable for impact, and while the wicked publicly play their reindeer games, seemingly without any repercussions for their vile acts, they are being aided and abetted by people that are on the outside of the killer circle, looking in. The wicked have creature comforts afforded them by minimum wage sheet changers, waiters, pot washers, and shoe polishers. 

So, that leaves you and I accountable, once again, as always. If it takes a village to raise a villain, then it follows, that it takes a village to morally model character that will not be compromised for cash. How we earn our money is a major indicator of our moral fibre. Money is energetically charged: its use is godly, or damning. 

Need I say more? 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Deadly Employer

Satan is an equal opportunity killer...
Satan lies, steals, maims, destroys, murders
Satan amuses himself with the destruction of humans

What makes anyone think serving him will give them job security?

The news, even the free speech news reporters, are having a free for all, meaning censorship issues are currently on ice, while the population shares, re-shares, and distributes broadly, the images and videos of horrors happening to humanity, as people drop dead all over the darn place. Then there are the devastating cases of those that have uncontrollable continual body tremors, or excruciating perpetual pain that drugs can't seem to get close enough to even touch. We know what is happening, and the injected have their suspicions, even if they aren't willing to voice them, yet. 

Note, that the Simpson's engaged in predictive programming, seemingly prophesying our future but alas, the cartoonists were merely telling us what to anticipate. 

Now let's return to Satan, shall we? 

If your employer happens to be the devil of devils, then you can count on committing heinous crimes against your fellow man as a condition of your employment. If your employers mission is to kill, then anyone on his payroll, will be required to lie, steal, maim, destroy, and murder, in the normal course of a days work. That about sums up what we are seeing, what we are hearing, what we know is happening all around us.

Murderers aren't inclined to compassion: a mercenary doesn't say, "Well THAT was a wicked way to make this bundle of cash"... they feel no fear, no pain, no worry about what they must do to line their pockets. It doesn't bother them one bit to mislead, misrepresent, steal candy from babies, or strangle them the moment they exit the womb. It is that dark and dastardly, dear reader, and yet, people continue to play patty cake with assassins that have committed their lives to doing the devils bidding! 

The murderers are fodder for hell fire. They aren't the privileged, the accomplished, the enviable high achievers at the height of actualized potential... they are wood chips, kindling, compost, twigs, leaves, scraps of paper with blasphemer scratched and sketched in squiggly blood overtop their names. They are the here today, gone tomorrow crew that will meet their Maker, and wish they could escape, but alas, this will not be permitted them. 

People are trying their best to combat the onslaught, and stop the carnage. They are, and yet, it would appear that the hands of those closest to the murderers, are stilled, making them murderous too. Dear reader, if we are not working toward the saving of souls, then, well... what are we working toward, pray tell?

What are we, what are you, what am I, working toward? 

There are some that simply do not want to be saved
There are some that simply like their deadly employer
There are some that haven't a clue, that what we do today, impacts our eternity
There are some that work for the devil willingly, and believe that by serving him, they will gain status via a hierarchical standing with Satan

Fools. They are, as I said before, fodder for hell fire. They have gleaned from this life, the rewards of the wicked, at the expense of the vulnerable, the unsuspecting, and the innocent. I don't even want to imagine what awaits them in the after life. 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Jack's Faithful Prayer

If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give a serpent? (Luke 11:11)

"Everything I need to know about God, I learned from a tuna sandwich.

I went through a divorce 1998-2000. Had been out in the field and came home to an empty house, no furniture, no food, nothing. I did my drawings for a week on my stomach lying on the kitchen floor. One day back at the office, after several days of not eating, I prayed to Him to just let me find some food and time to eat it. Before I could say "Amen", there was a knock at my office door and a colleague came in with surplus tuna sandwiches from a Lunch + Learn. I will never forget that moment. Even though I didn't come to God, He came to me." Jack

And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all (Mark 6:41)

And they did all eat, and were filled. And they took up twelve baskets of the fragments, and of the fishes. And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men (Mark 6:42-44)

Dear reader, I heard the most astounding story today, from a tenacious never give up no matter the circumstances man. I had a little cry this morning, when I realized with joy, how tender, how attentive, how available God is to us, when we ask for His attendance to our needs. My new acquaintance Jack, gave me an earthly reminder, of God's heavenly care, and I couldn't help but marvel at the intricate connectivity between Jack's hunger, and Jesus' words and ultimate proof of His identity as God incarnate. 

Think for a moment on Jack's statement at the end of the quote above: 

"Even though I didn't come to God, He came to me."

Yes, God went to Jack, and before this, He came as the Christ, the Messiah, the Saviour of the world. God, dear reader, is in our midst, and has never left us. He feels our hurt, heals our hearts, and fills the void, when we cry out in hunger, not only for food, but for a God that willingly answers our desperate prayers when we cannot seem to do basic things for ourselves (ie shopping for, preparing, and eating food), while in emotional, psychological, physical + spiritual turmoil. 

Jack reminded me of my own desperate pleas for help, comfort, and provision, in my greatest times of need. I ask you, dear one, have you too, had this kind of experience, where you felt God came to you and gave you exactly what you needed when you needed it, just because you asked?

Think now, about Jack's colleague, an unwitting, or perhaps even, a purposeful disciple. Jack was alone in his office, door closed, hunger distracting him from his work, when a knock came at his door. Much to his surprise, fish in bread... dear reader, soak this in now, fish and loaves, fish and bread, was delivered, immediately after Jack's prayer, and before his "Amen." Jack's colleague was soulfully synchronized with God's answer to prayer: in other words, the timing was gloriously purrfect! Just like when Jesus fed the five thousand, who didn't have to go to market, bake the bread, or grill the fish, Jack didn't have to assemble that sandwich! All he had to do, was eat, and marvel at the goodness of prayers answered. Do recall this amazing tidbit of similarity: 

surplus tuna sandwiches + And they did all eat, and were filled. And they took up twelve baskets of the fragments, and of the fishes = God's abundant provision

God has been in the fish sandwich business for a very lonnnnnng time. And today, I am grateful, because I needed to recall what modern day miracles look and sound like: they are echos from the past, dear one! God NEVER changes, and we humans can depend on this truism, especially when we feel fragile and ill equipped to face alarming circumstances in a world gone crazy. 

I will end this piece of writing with Jack's words, and scripture from the top of the page, just in case you are craving a tuna fish sandwich!

"God gave me a sandwich when that's the only thing I needed"...

If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give a serpent? (Luke 11:11)

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Cognitively Confusing

When my son had a concussion after getting hit in the back of the head at close range with a soccer ball, kicked by the goalie, my former husband and I drove him in his delirium to emergency. The triage process had him in an examination bed almost immediately: next we waited to be seen by a doctor. A nurse did all she could to serve my son, including trying to insert an IV for some reason, and she botched this badly; perhaps in her nervousness she was afraid to hurt him, and this made her attempts futile as he was poked several times, without success. 

My son mumbled answers to questions, revealing his muddled thinking, and his jumbled state of injured mind. His brain was malfunctioning, and there wasn't much for us to do to fix it... until there was. In a moment of quiet, with the curtain drawn around us, I hovered my hand a mere half inch from his head. In an instant, my brain went into a scrambled static, like an old fashioned buzzing end of the night TV screen, that no longer picks up signs that make sense. I could feel the mental mixed up confusion, and while I kept my hand in hover position, I picked up a throbbing sensation: I began to pray in earnest. Within a short period of time, he became coherent, answering basic questions correctly. He had a headache, but he was well enough to leave emergency. 

Dear reader, I share this story because of my experience, the one where I was picking up what his brain was emitting. That left a lasting impression upon me, and I can see us still in my minds eye, me sitting there with him lying injured, as though I am an observer, watching a scene from the sidelines. We are connected, he and I, and always have been... and we are connected, you and I, and always, have... been. 

I am again, watching from the sidelines, and my brain has been scrambled. Yesterday I went shopping and I felt it, that mental mix up. It was an effort for me to keep my eyes focused, to keep them from moving oddly in my head. I did my best to behave normally, to get through the oddity, and get out from the different stores quickly. This has happened to me before, and I know exactly what is going on. It, dear reader, is a spell. I was feeling concussed from a spell cast over the people that believe a lie. 

When we were in illegal lock us into submission last year, I did not do what most people did. I didn't wear a thing on strings over my breathing holes, otherwise known as my nose and mouth, but that doesn't mean I was not impacted by the circumstances. After going into a store and being visually assaulted by seeing people in masks all around me, my brain was shaken, not stirred. I got dizzy, had to focus to get my shopping task accomplished, and felt discombobulated as I made my way to my car, where my son was waiting. I told him how I felt and he said "It's a spell mum." That simple, it's a spell... 

Many are under a spell that has been cast over the masses. But, dear reader, we are connected. We feel each other, and pick up what is emitted. There is something seriously wrong with a person that thinks wearing a mask is at all normal, acceptable, worth while, trendy (designer face apparel), excusable... it isn't, never has been, never will be. Seeing this strangeness violates my spirit, because all I see is the degradation of other human beings, and all I can think of is, do they know they are living someone else's demeaning, murderous plan, willingly? 

This cooked spaghetti in the brain googly eyed muddled feeling I had occurred in some stores and not in others... but I must say, that each time I speak playfully or cordially with someone in a mask, I feel like a fake and a fraud, not because I am insincere! I like people and love interacting... that hasn't changed. It is this: there is something between us, something they have chosen to put there, and they have no idea how it impacts those of us that see through the fraud to the other sinister side, of injury, pain, and death, via unrepentant sin. It is a sin to wear a mask. That simple, it is a sin...

And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of the prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth (Revelation 18: 21-24)

Dear reader, I don't want to become accustomed to obvious sin. I don't want to agree that wearing a mask is normal and acceptable. I don't want to have visual reminders, that some, in fact many, are damning themselves because they have acclimated to the beast system, without fussing over or fighting, what is cognitively confusing and clearly, abnormal. I just don't want to take part in any of it, and when I am in the midst, and have to carry on as though I don't see it, and I don't feel it, it does something to me emotionally, spiritually, and clearly, physiologically. 

While I appreciate mask free faces, they were a rarity when demands were placed on us by wicked mode-rna day Babylonians, to wear them. The majority of people complied, and I have considerable doubt about the courage required to not comply again. 

So, dear one, I ask you, with all seriousness... are we connected? 

  • Do you feel this too? 
  • How do you want others to feel after seeing you, sensing you, picking up what you are emitting?

Dear reader, if you want to love your neighbour as yourself:

  • Is it important to you after others have been exposed to you, that they leave feeling well and edified? 
  • Would it disturb you to know that after seeing you, talking to you, being in your presence, others would prefer to get away from you as fast as they can, because you make them feel emotionally, spiritually, and physically ill? 
Am I trying to shame you into committing to be mask free with this next round of illegal Babylonian activities? Perhaps I am, but isn't this precisely what "they" have done to the global population, much to our collective detriment? Do you, dear one, have enough proof yet, that going along to get along has got us backed into a hard to get out of corner, as the collective?

You and I have two options, and only two:

1 Live under the spell
2 Be willing to die rather than commit to the lie

It is that, simple

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Apropos & Timely

Dear reader, I could not help but feel this psalm as I read it. The Bible is one of the strangest books of all: it is timeless, and this is helpful to keep in mind, since what we experience as individuals and collectively, has happened to those that have gone before us. This psalm is apropos and timely, and I hope it is a source of comfort for you, knowing you can pray as king David did, when evil seems to prevail, and justice appears to be on permanent vacation. 

NOTE: I quote from the NIV, for simplicities sake

Psalm 58 For the choir director: A psalm of David, to be sung to the tune "Do Not Destroy"

Justice --- do you rulers know the meaning of the word?
  Do you judge the people fairly?
No! you plot injustice in your hearts.
  You spread violence throughout the land.
These wicked people are born sinners;
  even from birth they have lied and gone their own way.
They spit venom like deadly snakes;
  they are like cobras that refuse to listen,
ignoring the tunes of the snake charmers,
  no matter how skillfully they play.

Break off their fangs, O God!
  Smash the jaws of these lions, O LORD!
May they disappear like water into thirsty ground.
  Make their weapons useless in their hands.
May they be like snails that dissolve into slime,
  like a stillborn child who will never see the sun. 
God will sweep them away, both young and old, 
 faster than a pot heats over burning thorns.

The godly will rejoice when they see injustice avenged.
  They will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked. 
Then at last everyone will say,

"There truly is a reward for those 
  who live for God; surely there is a God
     who judges justly here on earth."

When I read how honestly the writer communicates with God, I realize that even when I feel vengeful toward the wicked, it is not out of a desire to destroy them, it comes from a burning desire to stop them from hurting others. The damage that has purposefully been accomplished world wide is catastrophic and continuous. In the news via tiny video clips and captured images, we see the wicked posing, posturing, pretending, and perpetually perpetrating, and it can drive a person to distraction. 

I find it comical when I read that we should be further along as evolved humans, learning from histories mistakes and missteps. Each idiotic generation is filled with those that want to become loving humans, and those born to become self-absorbed haters of humanity. It's the old, good vs evil theme played out in each life, and impacting all of those in our vicinity. We have impact, dear reader: when rulers are unjust, when they judge unfairly, when they work for team Satan, we end up where we are now, and it ain't the first time.

We have impact, dear reader: the rulers can do as they will, with some being strategically placed by God, and others doing what the enemy of their souls bids them do... but as helpless as you and I may feel at times, we have impact!

It doesn't really matter what other people are doing, does it? You too, have been strategically placed. God knows EXACTLY what He is doing at all times, and He has His eyes on you! 
  • What are you doing to make a difference in this world? 
  • How are you using your impact and influence to edify others? 
  • How are you praying to God?
I know the Bible as a manual for life. As I stated above, it is one of the strangest books of all, and I add, in its wonderfulness. When my prayers seem odd and ineffective, or I doubt that they are remotely close to being holy, I know I can go there, and read out loud, what has been prayed long before my time on earth. The echo of hearts and minds attuning to God's will, reverberate through the generations, and I feel the oneness with my brethren, the Body of Christ, when speaking a psalm, a proverb, or reading the gospels. That is the point of the Bible: God relating to man, having a relationship with the Sovereign, sharing our hopes, our fears, our doubts, our hurt, and our desire to have Him make things right, just, fair, and holy. 

Since God is love, it only makes sense that we go to Him when the world is wonky and makes no sense at all, to those of us that see the massive corruption and corrosion in all directions. God is the only righteous judge, and those that know Him, feel His love, no matter the circumstances:

And we have known and believed the love that God hath for us. 
God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, 
and God in him (1 John 4:16)

Do you, dwelleth in the love of God, dear one? 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Lazarus, Come Forth

Quote from my study Bible: God works through, not in spite of, the malice of men

In the gospel of John, we read Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead (John 11:14)

Fast forward to verse 43, and we hear Jesus "... cry with a loud voice, Lazarus, 
come forth."

We skip to verses 47-53, and get a sneak peak into a pack of wolves, as they plot and plan the elimination of the Man of Miracles: Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doth many miracles. If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation. And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all. Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for the nation; And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad. 

Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death. 

Dear reader, have you ever said something and thought it strange, only to discover further on down the road, that it spoke into the future, without any apparent forethought on your part? This is precisely what Caiaphas had done: his ambiguous statement that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not, did not originate with him. The high wicked priest of that fatal for him year, spoke prophetically, about the mission Jesus had come as incarnate God/Christ to complete. He came to die for the sins of the world, and it was the job of evil men, to do their part, play their role, in fulfilling God's established plan. 

This may seem odd, but what is odder, then seeing a man bring someone back to life after burial, and four days in the grave, and wanting to kill said man for performing life, or should I say death, altering miracles? Prior to raising His friend Lazarus from the grave, Jesus called Himself the resurrection, and the life (John 11:25). Those that believed in Him, those that took Him at His word, saw this miracle and marvelled. Not so for the murderous of heart, that only desired the maintenance of their positions of prestige and power, as chief priests and councilmen. 

I repeat the quote above: God works through, not in spite of, the malice of men

Unlike man, God has no malice. Even while the priests plotted, even while Jesus could hear their thoughts and knew their scheming ways, He stayed the course, kept to the redemptive plan, and did not smite them, although perhaps you and I would have, dear one? 

I have wanted to smite. I have wanted to take out my sword, just like Simon Peter did in the garden of Gethsemane:

Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus. Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it? (John 18:10-11)

It is presumptuous of us to suppose that Jesus, God Almighty, relies upon our pithy attempts to defend His honour! While He commends us for our fidelity, He does not rely on us to sustain His Royalty as the Sovereign of the Universe:

Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? (Matthew 26:53)

In this short piece of writing, I am hoping to give you a sense of God's presence, His commanding ways, and His ability to work all things according to His ultimate, pure, undefiled, holy ways. The plotters, the planners, the ones that presume they can kill God and His children that were scattered abroad have another thing coming. Even in death, Jesus is our resurrection and our life. He came to earth to establish His supremacy, and included in this is His use of mere men, even the wicked amongst us, to glorify Himself. He is, after all, God, and He can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, with whomever He wants! 

He has, He does, and He will... we get to watch Him in action and hope and pray that we play a fabulous role as His children in this once in a lifetime opportunity to pledge our allegiance to the One and Only King of the world. 

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's 
good pleasure to give you the kingdom (Luke 12:32)

We are God's little lambs. We hear His voice, and where He leads, we follow. The malice of men is between them and God, and I don't want to stand where they do when judgment day arrives. Caiaphas uttered death threats, and so did those that called themselves priests. This never bodes well for the murderous... of this we can be confident, because God does not take kindly to the destruction of His flock. 

Keep all this in mind as you watch the avarice ridden, self-aggrandizing, arrogant men and women posturing and preening in front of cameras and microphones, spewing hatred and nonsense. They, like the high priest, will die one day, and unlike Lazarus, they will not be resurrected in Christ, but be damned for eternity, if they do not repent and return to God before their last breath. 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The Insidiousness of Collusion

I swore I would never get used to the masks. I was confident they would always bother me. How is it then, that I found myself realizing, that I had colluded, I had complied, I had somehow given myself over to being served food, of all things, by masked men and women?

As I lay sick from the combinations of foods I had eaten on Friday night at a Japanese sushi place, I couldn't think straight, and I knew it would take time for the muddled feeling to leave me, and for clear thoughts to return. 

Consumption game
Friday night, a most wonderful friend and I had dinner plans. We agreed on sushi. We got excellent and quick service, but as has been the case for me in the past, I over did the all you can eat part of the dining experience. The variety of food on offer was kind of fun to explore, but I have come to realize food isn't an obstacle course for the stomach, it ought to be nourishment of the body and soul. If you like sushi, you know that the food dissolves in the mouth without much chewing required, and it is really easy to find yourself full way too late in the consumption game. I was sick all of Friday night, threw up until noon on Saturday, and had a persistent headache until just this Sunday morning: that is an extraordinary food hangover. 

Prior to suffering for my indulgences, there were other things going on at the restaurant that I do believe contributed to my overall sense of ill-being. While my friend and I sat by the windows of the restaurant, I counted the bright lights of ambulances (five of them in a short span of time) that rushed past on the busy traffic filled street. During the meal, the cough that I thought after three weeks, was dead, started to take over our conversation. When I went to use the rest room, there were notes on the stall doors, asking patrons to put toilet paper, after use, into tiny garbage pails inside the stall (I decided not to use the toilet, because I felt sorry for the staff that had the job of emptying those disgusting little cans) and worse yet, all the staff wore masks. I am giving you a backward order of things; let us start again:

1 The staff wore masks
2 Ambulances were passing fast and frequently
3 I was coughing almost uncontrollably as the evening progressed
4 The stalls had instructions to put USED TOILET PAPER into little garbage cans, rather than flush the toilet, I repeat, USED PAPER 
5 All you can eat leads to gluttony

Let us start again again... with my coughing. Surprisingly, my coughing didn't disturb our service. We were brought copious amounts of food, and my friend paid the bill with cash. We sat enjoying each others company for some time after the bill was paid, but my cough got worse with the talking and laughing. This is when a surprising thing happened! One of the masked staff came out with a can of Lysol, or some other kind of disinfectant, and began spraying the spaces between tables, starting with the ones closest to the one we sat at. This was a none to subtle way of getting a pesky cougher out of the restaurant. Quite shamefully understandable... to be fair, I really should have ended my evening earlier, with all that coughing. And to be judgmental, perhaps the staff could have come over and politely suggested, "You seem to be coughing a lot... thanks so much for coming, but for the sake of other patrons, could you please leave?" 

I contributed to the lie
So today, with hindsight, I blame not any one player in this game, except of course, myself. I entered an establishment with masked workers. I allowed them to serve me, and had that feeling of something isn't right, but as I lay sick, it came to me... I contributed to the lie that I so hate, that I fight against perpetually, but that I somehow gave into. The lie is insidious, and it is like creeping ivy. At first the ivy is innocent looking, but in no time, it takes over entire buildings, smothering windows and doors in lush looking leaves.

Masked men and women served me food, while ambulances whirled their hectic lights, and I over ate to the point of stomach and head upset. I was wordlessly expelled from a restaurant whilst inhaling the poisonous spray of disinfectant, and the whole thing is comically tragic, to say the least. 

Be vigilant 
And this is how collusion works its insidious way into our lives. The Bible talks about being vigilant and stedfast, two things that slipped from my grasp in my desire to enjoy some normalcy, in a truly tainted and ignoble world. This is not an excuse, but it is an insight into how easily we can become entrapped, with the pleasures of the world luring us into complacency. Here is our warning from God:

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen (1 Peter 5:8-11)

Knowing the Bible and living it are two different things for the majority of people, me included. But the God of all grace, can make us perfect, stablish us, strengthening and settling us... unto the eternal glory of Christ Jesus. 

I made a massive mistake, and I am chastened. To God be the glory when we are given a soul spanking. I am reminded this day, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. While the enemy of our souls wants us to believe he has dominion, the Bible reminds God's faithful and sometimes fallen ones, that He is Almighty, and He rules and reins in this life and the next, no matter which masked man or woman attempts to convince us otherwise. 

Lastly, let us turn our gaze to you, dear reader.

🔥How have you colluded with the wicked agenda?
🔥How have you compromised your integrity?
😷Where has the insidiousness of sin crept into your life?
🥸What are you willing to give up to ensure that you become more stedfast and faithful?
✝️What is God teaching you this day, as He chastens you?

Know that God corrects His children, and if He is correcting you today, He loves you. Isn't that a wonderful bit of information to live off of?

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Caustic Commentary

I warned you, dear reader, with the title, that my commentary would be caustic. Proceed reading if you don't mind scathing, condemning, and irritable opinions, or dare I say, observations? Come into the fray with me, and let us see if we agree.

Medical protocol is deadly. That is right, it kills people. When my father expired, a euphemism for died, I was enraged. I wasn't expecting it, nor was I keen on accepting it, and when I walked through the packed emergency room after leaving his body behind, and all eyes stared as though I were some kind of oddity, some kind of spectacle, I snarled in a crisp voice for all of the mute sickos to hear "Oh, don't worry, they don't kill everyone in there." There wasn't an ounce of sympathy in those gaping wide open eyes: what I saw was unabashed curiosity. One of the most contagious illnesses that I have noticed these past couple of decades, is the corruption of healthy compassion. People are empty-soul-sick... a weird string of words, I grant you, but how would you describe it better?

Prescribed drugs
Now hear me out. My father had high blood pressure, went to his GP, and got put on meds that made him feel sick. Meds that made him feel sick... once more now... meds that made him feel sick. Isn't medication supposed to improve a persons condition? Aren't we supposed to feel better when the prescribed drugs mix and mingle with our internal problem, to alleviate it? 

At this point in our common history, I sure do hope we are on the same virtual page. I have heard far too many horror stories about what happens to patients when they enter "the system", and come out dead as door nails, as the saying goes, removed in a body bag and placed in a long, black, big enough for a wooden box vehicle. Why, I myself have experienced medical malpractice. I was born with a hernia, and wouldn't you know it, when my mom got me back after surgery, she was shocked! Wrong spot doc. When I was a little older, I had to undergo another surgery, to repair the original still there hernia. The question remains: when the first surgeon cut me open, giving me an interesting new belly button, WAS HE HIGH? What exactly was he "operating on"? I will tell you: he was operating on, or should I say from, a deluded belief that he was capable as a medical doctor, because CLEARLY, he had no clue what he was doing, and he cut me open anyway, and got paid too, which is a travesty.

White coats
So, I ask you. What have you heard? What horror stories have you lived? Who have you lost as a result of men and women in white coats, administering meds that either make the person sick, sicker, or killed them slowly, or even immediately, after being ingested or injected? 

When my father told his GP the blood pressure meds made him feel sick, the doctor said he should keep taking them, and he would get used to them; oh boy, now THAT is excellent professional advice, isn't it, dear reader? My father went off the drugs, his kidneys failed, they put him on dialysis, and the port they inserted into his neck, the area around the line they used to hook him up to the dialysis machine, got infected. Sepsis attacked his vital organs causing them to fail, and soon thereafter killed him: while the medical staff was kind to him during his "treatments", they contributed in a thousand ways uncountable, to his death. 

Sirens blaring
If I seem angry, dear reader, then you are picking up what I am putting down. Am I angry about what happened to my father? Perhaps, just a little, but as I hear sirens blaring through the streets near my home, I am more miffed about what is currently taking place in our world. Medical protocol continues to kill, and they do so in the name of helping, in the name of saving lives, in the falsehood of preserving life but really, that is not the game being played. Incompetence and malpractice have become acceptable ways to euthanize with exemption from punishment. There, I said it again: they are killing people, and the hospital, your doctor, may be the last place and person you visit, before you exit this life and enter the next.

Good doctors and nurses
Are there good doctors and nurses out there? YES OF COURSE, and they are the ones that see a broken down, hurting and injurious system, that is getting worse by the hour. Emergency is no longer urgent care, it is a waiting room for those that are suffering, and may end up dying before anyone in a white coat, or adorable scrums with colourful images of kitty cats plastered on the fabric, ever see them. 

No one goes to emergency unless they absolutely have to (with the exception of hypochondriacs). No one wants to see a doctor unless they feel so sick that it is a last resort (or they have nothing else to do but be a project and pin cushion?). Good Lord, who in their right mind would want to be anywhere near medical staff unless the situation were DIRE?

And isn't that the point? I don't go to the grocery store unless I need food. I don't buy gas unless I run out. I don't buy clothes unless I... no wait, I do buy clothes even when I have clothes (bad example!). I don't put on snow tires unless I am anticipating slippery roads. I am pretty sure you catch my drift here. All this said to point at the obvious: we have been herded, you know, herded, like cattle, in the direction of going to the doctor as a solution for EVERYTHING, training us to behave a certain way. Who invented the terminology HERD IMMUNITY, for goodness sakes? I am not a head of cattle, I am a woman, made in the image of GOD. 

Phew, now that I got all that out... 

I am telling you, dear reader, that you are a wonderfully made, uniquely designed human being, with a built in healing system. God made you to walk, to talk, to eat, to drink, to run hike bike laugh cry learn grow excel and share your precious self with other people. He didn't make us to break us, and we need to ensure that people know their options, and stop resorting to the white coats, or the staff in pretty shades of scrubs that seem to camouflage the seriousness, of their capacity to maim and kill people that may have survived if they had not been tampered with in ways unholy and unhealthy. Am I being harsh? YES, I really am being very harsh... leading you to this.

I ask you to do some things a little differently, dear one. Consider what God would have us do at this point in our mutual now. 

  • What does the Great Physician recommend? 
  • If your body is a temple, and you are a living stone, what must you do to make yourself well? 
  • What are you willing to do to be accountable for your own well being?

If you are reading this still, you have time, you have choices, you can spin things around, with God's help. He loves you and wants the best for you, and unfortunately, I can't with confidence say the same thing about those in the medical community. While there are loving, caring people in that system, there are also many that have lost their compassion capabilities, and they see only bodies, and no longer see humans that need tender loving care. Dear one, if I may be so blunt and bold, cancer treatments CAUSE CANCER, unless of course, a tissue or tumour can be cut away by a competent surgeon that doesn't operate in the WRONG LOCATION?

Please do consider what I am trying to convey. We have gone astray, putting far too much faith in a faithless system, where God is not considered, and humans reign supreme. This is not right, and the evidence is all around us, that I am correct in this assessment. You can argue with me if you like, but the empirical data will make a fool of you. 

I will end with scripture, to remind you why you are here, and whom it is you and I, will answer to, when we expire, leaving this world behind, and entering into life eternal, either in God's presence, or separated from Him forever: 

Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5)

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Shame Blame Game

WARNING: there is a swear word in the picture I have used in this piece of writing. It speaks to the vulgarity that is so common in our public communications, and a degrading of decency; an unfortunate sign of the times.

Mia Culpa, MIA CULPA

Last night I spent some time perusing thecovidblog.com. I discovered a nuance, where those that have been injected, without realizing what has happened, begin to assume the responsibility for being justifiably, murdered. This is a corruption of thought, a sick way of thinking, because Biblically speaking, life is our greatest God given gift, and the urge to sustain life is a vital force inside each of us, unless of course, we are subject to satanic lies and attack. 

Innocent blood
I think of Judas Iscariot, that infamous man who stated: I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood (Matthew 27:4). Rather than face the music of responsibility and live with his shame and guilt, and ask God to forgive him, he took his own life by hanging. Something similar is happening: it would appear that self hate over unrepentant sin, is causing those that are perishing to make statements that are very reminiscent of an abuse victim... however, sometimes the people making these end of life disparaging and self directed degrading comments, have been the abusers, and instead of saying they are terribly, terribly sorry, for mistreating those they purportedly love, they believe they are getting what they deserve, including being exterminated. 

Spiritual attack
This is what happens when we put our faith and trust in ourselves and man: we become misguided self appointed judges and juries. The woman that helped me see the multi-dimensional spiritual attack on the unrepentant, was famous, was vicious, was selfishly indulgent, and a public adulteress. She gave herself full permission to do and say whatever she wanted, airing her dirty laundry in the most repugnant and disturbing ways, at the expense of her husband and her own reputation. Not the least of her errors in judgment, came during her end of life attacks on those of us that chose not to be injected with poison. She made it clear how idiotic people like us are, according to her assessments, and unfortunately for her, she is no longer here to make amends for her unjustifiably malicious attacks on perfect strangers.

Something hideous happening
My point, you ask? My point is that there is something hideous happening in souls. There is a cruelty that has been indulged, and then, when the person is breaking down, when they are helplessly terminally ill, and in need of comfort the most, they have not God. They don't have anyone by their side telling them that sin is the killer; sin murders the soul firstly, and then the body... sin is what they must repent from, and it is Jesus Christ that can and will, forgive them when they confess and beg for a second chance, or perhaps a hundredth one, to honour and glorify Him as their King. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to go to hell, except for the pride that keeps them from acknowledging that they need God to cure them of their spiritual darkness, and renew them according to His commands. 

Put your house in order
Life has a way of humbling us, even when we think we are at the "top of our game", untouchable, and able to do and say whatever we like with impunity. Being blindsided by illness and imminent death, or at the very least, seeing this happening to others all around us, ought to make us take notice, and realize, our turn may very well be around the corner (I don't want this to be a self fulfilling prophecy... pray for me, dear reader: I sure hope God isn't done with me yet!), and we must put our own houses in order before our Maker plucks us from this heathen filled land of the living. 

In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live (2 Kings 20:1) 


Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness (Colossians 3:12-14)

NOTE: Hezekiah was given a reprieve and granted an extension on his life because he asked God for one! God wants none to perish, and when we do, He wants us to go to Him... He truly is, long-suffering, and the God of mercy.

Monday, November 7, 2022


For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now (Romans 8:22)

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26)

For we know
that the whole creation
groaneth and travaileth
in pain together
until now

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities
for we know not what we should pray for
as we ought
but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us
with groaning 
which cannot be uttered

When I read these power filled snippets of scripture, I feel off the hook for my lack of words in prayer: the Spirit hears me, knows me, and my lack of verbiage does not block His understanding of how I am feeling. 

Last night, my son and I were discussing videos of children we have both seen separate from one another, in which the child did not want an injection, and was screaming and crying, and sometimes sobbing plaintively to not be subjected. You know, dear reader, of what I speak. When my son brought up these videos, I reacted immediately. Truth be told, I have only seen one such video, and I never ever wanted to speak of it, see anymore like it, or share it with another soul. I can replay it in my memory, and it appals my spirit to think on it, and so I haven't, until last night.

I didn't have words. I couldn't pray. I mumbled "I don't know what to pray Lord", and my son mentioned scripture and the groaning of our spirit. I felt infirm, as though I was sick of soul and without remedy, dear one, just considering what I have seen and what I have not been able to do, to say, to stop the heinous crimes on the innocent and powerless. How can I stand against parents, hundreds and thousands of parents and the injectors, to keep them from harming their own children? 

The whole of creation is groaning and travailing, and that is a massive concept that is hard to take hold of, and yet all that is came from God's hand, and all that is, is an echo of Who He is, if that makes sense to you? It should also make sense to all of us, that if a child is screaming, crying, sobbing plaintively, and does not have words to stop an onslaught, that God hears their groans of soul injury, and it grieves Him to see and hear them being maltreated and misused by the adults that ought to treat them as precious gifts from their Maker. 

If we are deaf and blind to the injury and insult of other, we have lost our own compassion capacity as human beings created in the image of God. To force another against their will is a sin, an abhorrent and despicable sin, and this is what I witnessed, what we have watched from a distance, disabled as we are to stop the carnage.

... the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us 

I need this. I want this. I feel this is what has happened as of late. I am not weeping daily as I once was. I am observational, and prayerfully hopeful, sometimes without words, because God sees and knows all, and He loves each of His creatures. He made us and knows our inner workings. When I am grieved, He feels with me, and when I cannot utter, my groaning is sufficient, even when my inadequacy is apparent to me. He is mighty to save, mighty to heal, mighty to take our brokenness and piece us back together again, and isn't that how God ought to be? if He weren't, then He wouldn't be Almighty!

Thankfully the Bible leaves no stone unturned in the area of wisdom. We can always go there for a hit of life altering, soul soothing truth, even when the reality we are exposed to in this life is almost too painful to contemplate, we are assured: 

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28)