I warned you, dear reader, with the title, that my commentary would be caustic. Proceed reading if you don't mind scathing, condemning, and irritable opinions, or dare I say, observations? Come into the fray with me, and let us see if we agree.
Medical protocol is deadly. That is right, it kills people. When my father expired, a euphemism for died, I was enraged. I wasn't expecting it, nor was I keen on accepting it, and when I walked through the packed emergency room after leaving his body behind, and all eyes stared as though I were some kind of oddity, some kind of spectacle, I snarled in a crisp voice for all of the mute sickos to hear "Oh, don't worry, they don't kill everyone in there." There wasn't an ounce of sympathy in those gaping wide open eyes: what I saw was unabashed curiosity. One of the most contagious illnesses that I have noticed these past couple of decades, is the corruption of healthy compassion. People are empty-soul-sick... a weird string of words, I grant you, but how would you describe it better?
Prescribed drugs
Now hear me out. My father had high blood pressure, went to his GP, and got put on meds that made him feel sick. Meds that made him feel sick... once more now... meds that made him feel sick. Isn't medication supposed to improve a persons condition? Aren't we supposed to feel better when the prescribed drugs mix and mingle with our internal problem, to alleviate it?
At this point in our common history, I sure do hope we are on the same virtual page. I have heard far too many horror stories about what happens to patients when they enter "the system", and come out dead as door nails, as the saying goes, removed in a body bag and placed in a long, black, big enough for a wooden box vehicle. Why, I myself have experienced medical malpractice. I was born with a hernia, and wouldn't you know it, when my mom got me back after surgery, she was shocked! Wrong spot doc. When I was a little older, I had to undergo another surgery, to repair the original still there hernia. The question remains: when the first surgeon cut me open, giving me an interesting new belly button, WAS HE HIGH? What exactly was he "operating on"? I will tell you: he was operating on, or should I say from, a deluded belief that he was capable as a medical doctor, because CLEARLY, he had no clue what he was doing, and he cut me open anyway, and got paid too, which is a travesty.
White coats
So, I ask you. What have you heard? What horror stories have you lived? Who have you lost as a result of men and women in white coats, administering meds that either make the person sick, sicker, or killed them slowly, or even immediately, after being ingested or injected?
When my father told his GP the blood pressure meds made him feel sick, the doctor said he should keep taking them, and he would get used to them; oh boy, now THAT is excellent professional advice, isn't it, dear reader? My father went off the drugs, his kidneys failed, they put him on dialysis, and the port they inserted into his neck, the area around the line they used to hook him up to the dialysis machine, got infected. Sepsis attacked his vital organs causing them to fail, and soon thereafter killed him: while the medical staff was kind to him during his "treatments", they contributed in a thousand ways uncountable, to his death.
Sirens blaring
If I seem angry, dear reader, then you are picking up what I am putting down. Am I angry about what happened to my father? Perhaps, just a little, but as I hear sirens blaring through the streets near my home, I am more miffed about what is currently taking place in our world. Medical protocol continues to kill, and they do so in the name of helping, in the name of saving lives, in the falsehood of preserving life but really, that is not the game being played. Incompetence and malpractice have become acceptable ways to euthanize with exemption from punishment. There, I said it again: they are killing people, and the hospital, your doctor, may be the last place and person you visit, before you exit this life and enter the next.
Good doctors and nurses
Are there good doctors and nurses out there? YES OF COURSE, and they are the ones that see a broken down, hurting and injurious system, that is getting worse by the hour. Emergency is no longer urgent care, it is a waiting room for those that are suffering, and may end up dying before anyone in a white coat, or adorable scrums with colourful images of kitty cats plastered on the fabric, ever see them.
No one goes to emergency unless they absolutely have to (with the exception of hypochondriacs). No one wants to see a doctor unless they feel so sick that it is a last resort (or they have nothing else to do but be a project and pin cushion?). Good Lord, who in their right mind would want to be anywhere near medical staff unless the situation were DIRE?
And isn't that the point? I don't go to the grocery store unless I need food. I don't buy gas unless I run out. I don't buy clothes unless I... no wait, I do buy clothes even when I have clothes (bad example!). I don't put on snow tires unless I am anticipating slippery roads. I am pretty sure you catch my drift here. All this said to point at the obvious: we have been herded, you know, herded, like cattle, in the direction of going to the doctor as a solution for EVERYTHING, training us to behave a certain way. Who invented the terminology HERD IMMUNITY, for goodness sakes? I am not a head of cattle, I am a woman, made in the image of GOD.
Phew, now that I got all that out...
I am telling you, dear reader, that you are a wonderfully made, uniquely designed human being, with a built in healing system. God made you to walk, to talk, to eat, to drink, to run hike bike laugh cry learn grow excel and share your precious self with other people. He didn't make us to break us, and we need to ensure that people know their options, and stop resorting to the white coats, or the staff in pretty shades of scrubs that seem to camouflage the seriousness, of their capacity to maim and kill people that may have survived if they had not been tampered with in ways unholy and unhealthy. Am I being harsh? YES, I really am being very harsh... leading you to this.
I ask you to do some things a little differently, dear one. Consider what God would have us do at this point in our mutual now.
- What does the Great Physician recommend?
- If your body is a temple, and you are a living stone, what must you do to make yourself well?
- What are you willing to do to be accountable for your own well being?
If you are reading this still, you have time, you have choices, you can spin things around, with God's help. He loves you and wants the best for you, and unfortunately, I can't with confidence say the same thing about those in the medical community. While there are loving, caring people in that system, there are also many that have lost their compassion capabilities, and they see only bodies, and no longer see humans that need tender loving care. Dear one, if I may be so blunt and bold, cancer treatments CAUSE CANCER, unless of course, a tissue or tumour can be cut away by a competent surgeon that doesn't operate in the WRONG LOCATION?
Please do consider what I am trying to convey. We have gone astray, putting far too much faith in a faithless system, where God is not considered, and humans reign supreme. This is not right, and the evidence is all around us, that I am correct in this assessment. You can argue with me if you like, but the empirical data will make a fool of you.
I will end with scripture, to remind you why you are here, and whom it is you and I, will answer to, when we expire, leaving this world behind, and entering into life eternal, either in God's presence, or separated from Him forever:
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5)