Thursday, January 5, 2017

Turtle Heart

Days ago, I surrendered my will to God. I wrote about this as not my first attempt, in fact, there have been many. Lets face it Dear Reader, our desire to be in control, have a semblance of say in life's play, in our roles as actors in this drama, is strong and relentless. While we have many choices, there are some ultimate ends, outcomes that we have no power to determine, namely the way someone else's life is directed and run. Yesterday, while in the ocean, I realized that is it not only my will that I must surrender to God, it is my heart. You, and I, we have lived amongst flawed humans. We are in fact, members of this broken race of people. Battered and bruised, our hearts trust very little and yet they long for the wholeness that only trust can provide. I think of hatchling turtles, making a mad dash for the ocean. Driven from the sand, the tiny creatures cannot help being drawn to a watery home they have yet to experience. Instinctively, the turtles know that their natural habitat is safer than the exposed to predatory birds beach. A heaven on earth of sorts. Is this, Dear Reader, what you too long for, run for, want to experience because inexplicably, you feel drawn to the haven your soul seeks? What have you been exposed to, Dear One, that makes you sprint for shelter, for safety and protection from predators that have no concern for your tender heart? God be with you. He was with me yesterday, in the ocean. I felt safe there, as though I could finally trust Him with my heart. I did not realize until that moment that this, my final gift to myself, was the one He wanted me to have. That my heart is safe with Him. That the people I love, their hearts are safe, with Him. He urged me, trust Me with your heart, give it to Me. I promise to treat it with great care. And He always has. Never, not once in all the years I have loved Him has He broken my heart, wounded it, let me down. Our souls have GPS factory installed mechanisms. We were born to long for home, to be drawn inexplicably to the safety of Gods full and complete love. We are born to trust, learn to distrust through human exposure and must relearn Who He Is so that we can know who we are, in Him. I give Him my heart. I may have to do this again and again, as I have with my will. He is okay with this, our patient Father. He is forever faithful. What about you, Dear Reader? Are you willing to trust Him with your heart today?  Give Him your heart, Dear One, He longs for you to know the comfort of finally going home. Taste the peace of heaven today, in His presence.

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