Thursday, January 26, 2017

God's Type Writer

What if what I write is not from me? What if I am the type writer and God dictates, word by word, slowly and sometimes rapid fire fast, to my listening ears and waiting to click keys fingers? The idea appeals in so many ways. I am waiting now, to see if He is willing to use me this way...waiting, waiting. Part of the fun of this idea is that I believe His message would be so powerful that it would make me an instant success story! The promotional materials for my best selling book would go something like this: "Author sat and typed, trance like. In record time she completed an astounding, life altering, inspirational piece of work unlike any other that the world has seen thus far. When asked, 'Where did you come up with your material?' the writer answered in a dreamy otherworldly far off voice 'It came from God. He spoke, I typed.'" How amazing would THIS be Dear Reader, to be so used by God Himself? I am entertaining myself with these grand ideas because it takes the pressure off of me. In and of myself, I can accomplish very little. What I do in my short time on earth may or may not have lasting impact and meaning but God? God makes a difference every time, every where, with every one. I am a simple gal with big dreams. God is my dream weaver. When the fear of failure strikes my heart; when a sense of insignificance feels as though it may cripple me, I realize how frail I am, how easily broken by human insecurities and doubt. I could be a best selling author someday, or not? I could change the world forever, or slip away, unnoticed. I could...or not, for so many big and small things in life. We are all in this same floaty boat, aren't we Dear Reader? Endless possibilities actualized and alternatively, wasted? If God as Author writes through me, works through you, speaks to the crowd using us as microphones and type writers, now THAT is news, that is a different story, worth hearing and reading about, wouldn't you say? I want to be Gods type writer, microphone, loud speaker, on mute soul whisper, recorded message. What do you want Dear One? What do YOU want? Maybe I wasn't listening to Him as I wrote, maybe I just needed to know, He was listening to me...

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